11. taste test

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"Get in here already. You have some big decisions to make."

"Do I?"

"You do," he nodded, luring me to him with his infectious grin and insistence.

A polite hostess had greeted me before leading me into the industrial kitchen where Liam worked amongst a buzzing flock of chef-coated men and women.

I'd never seen him this way, with sleeves rolled up and flour dusted on parts of his apron's bib. He was outfitting what looked like a miniature cake.

"I expected you to show off, but this is something else altogether," I smiled as I neared his workstation.

I watched him cut a wedge of the dish he'd been working on. There was an array of dishes before him, all colorful and decadent-looking.

"You're earlier than I expected, but I'm not going to let that stop me from having fun," he began untying his apron, pulling out a blindfold from his pocket.

Liam quirked an eyebrow, head tilting in seriousness, "Do you trust me?"

The question was labyrinthine in nature.

"Mmm... you're more than a stranger, but I still hardly know you. I certainly couldn't call you a friend. Not exactly. You're a bit of a familiar acquaintance, so... do I trust you? Uh, yeah, actually. Yes, I do. Strangely," he turned me around as he tied the black satiny material around my head.

I was enjoying more and more the easy playfulness between us.

"Brave girl," he took hold of my arms, guiding me from the back through the kitchen.

"You're right. This does require trust," a nervous giggle left my lips.

I didn't enjoy giving my power away, sight or otherwise.

Liam's voice hummed with lightheartedness, "Mhmm. We're almost there. You won't have to exercise your trust for much longer."

I could hear the scraping of wood.

Liam pivoted me just slightly, "Please, be seated."

"Aye, aye, captain."

He scooted my chair in after I'd sat on the cushioned seat.

"I'm scared."

"As you should be. The fate of a fairly important evening lies in your hands... or shall I say your mouth."

I smirked, "Sounds titillating."

"It's not. Get your head out of the gutter."

I stuck my tongue out at what I hoped was Liam.

"Perfect. You'll need that for what we're about to do."

I snorted a laugh.

"Audacious Annabelle, in front of you is a selection of dishes. I've done the hard work for you by scooping a spoonful of each dish to taste at your leisure."

"I thought you said you wanted a dessert do-over..."

"Oh, I do. I just never promised it'd be just one."

Liam chuckled, "Are you rolling your eyes over there?"

"I cannot confirm or deny," my lips pursed involuntarily.

"Of course, not," Liam placed his hand atop mine as he guided me. "There's a glass of water on your right to help cleanse the palate after each bite."

"What's most important is that you have to select your favorite. Are. You. Ready?"

Be Good Mrs. B | Spies, Lies & Butterflies Book #2Where stories live. Discover now