7. professional liar

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I snuck up behind Liam as he stood at the bar, "Fancy meeting you here."

He pivoted at the sound of my voice, looking casually dapper in a blazer that he must've thrown on to complete his evening look.

He was chatting with a man who, before, had been obscured from my vantage point, "Ah, pardon my intrusion."

I smiled politely, retreating to locate the restroom.

Liam placed gentle fingertips against my upper back, "You're not intruding. On the contrary, I'm happy to introduce you."

I turned back around, feeling vaguely underdressed in a fitted white t-shirt and a wrap skirt. I shifted my weight so the slit in the crepe fabric wouldn't be as prominent.

I'd assuaged my own fears about wearing the skirt to dinner, nodding at my reflection as I recalled how useful slits in skirts were when I needed to run. Or fight.

Liam affectionately clapped the man on his shoulder, "This is my friend, David. We happen to share a mutual love of all things maritime."

I recognized him as Senator David Goldwyn, well-liked amongst Californian constituents.

Liam is rubbing shoulders with congressmen?

David stuck his hand out in greeting, "Pleasure to meet you...?"

I beamed, closing my hand around his, "Anna. Likewise."

I switched my clutch to the other hand, "Please, don't let me interrupt you. I was just thinking of perusing the cocktail menu."

"You absolutely should. I keep telling this one that the drink selection here rivals any hotspot in town," David smiled at Liam, who nodded.

"I did promise the lady that she'd get to try some of the chef's comfort food. It's good to see you, David. Let's plan something soon?"

"You bet. I'll have my people call yours," David winked at Liam like the politician he was.

"Anna, you enjoy yourself. And don't let Liam hold out on you. Order one of everything and make him pay," David chuckled while Liam shook his head.

So chummy...

"Will do," I nodded, smiling.

Liam led us away to a well-lit terrace overlooking the ocean. He pulled the seat back for me to sit.

"Such a gentleman. Thank you."

"I'm delighted to serve you as you dine with us this evening. Please enjoy a glass of our house champagne," a man with a dazzling smile presented us with a chilled bottle, pouring two glasses of bubbling translucent liquid before setting it on the table in an ice bucket.

He departed.

I looked around, grateful for the fire feature whose ample warmth combatted the slight oceanic breeze.

"This is swanky. I thought we'd be going to some divey, hole-in-the-wall."

"A hard day warrants something a little more delicate than a hole-in-the-wall. At least, I think so," he reached for his glass and held it up in salute.

I matched the gesture.

He smiled at me, "To getting through hard days."

"To getting through hard days," I echoed.

We both sipped the deliciously crisp sparkling wine.

"How long have you known Senator Goldwyn?"

Liam looked surprised, but his lips formed a half-smile, "So, you follow politics?"

Be Good Mrs. B | Spies, Lies & Butterflies Book #2Where stories live. Discover now