Chapter One

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Merlock, a twenty year old alcoholic with a everyday tragic story, yawned and stretched out her arms before clasping her pounding head.
"Damn it, I hate this." She moaned about her headaches and throwing up, along with various other problems, under her breath. She rolled out of bed, although immediately regretted it as she bolted towards the bathroom.
After about half an hour she returned looking like she was hell itself, what led her to this you ask? You'll see soon enough. She sat on her bed rubbing the bridge of her nose for awhile before picking up her clothes and getting changed, while doing so, she cursed under her breath multiple times.
She flopped back onto her bed falling into a deep comforting sleep. She abruptly opened her eyes, blinking away the sleep, to the sound of a doorbell.
"I swear to god if it's those damned Girl Scouts again I'll f***in' kill them." She said in an angered tone as she made her way towards the door.
"Who the hell 's there?" She asked loud enough for whomever was there to hear.
"That any way to talk to your father bi***?!" She was about to talk but her father noticed this. "Just let me in you f***er." He hissed loudly. Merlock did as she was told and grudgingly against her own will and allowed her father into her house.
The second her father stepped inside Merlock knew there would be trouble so she sat him down and asked if he wanted anything to drink, to which he replied with; "Well if you've got any alcohol left I'll be taking your strongest one."
Merlock got her father the alcohol and held back her anger, she was used to this by now.
When she came back she handed her father the bottle and a glass.
"So what d'ye want this time?" Merlock asked. Her father glugged down a mouthful of the powerful liquid before replying with,
"Yer aunt got ye something." Merlock seemed interested by this.
"What?" She questioned.
"The old bag thinks ye need care, told 'er a b**** like you don't deserve it. Persistent old hag she is though, got ye a smart blonde lookin' g**, so she did." Merlock didn't seem to like this one bit.
"The hell? When did that motherf****n' wh*** start giving a damn about me!? What about sixteen years ago! Where was she the-" Before she could finish her father had picked her up by the throat and was about to throw her back down.
"Filthy child, you should be grateful for anything we give you, got it?" He asked clearly irritated as he mercilessly threw Merlock onto the hard wooden flooring. Like I say, she's used to this by now.
He left taking the bottle of alcohol with him, leaving Merlock on the floor as she slowly fell into a unconscious state.
When she awoke she realised that the meeting with her father happened five hours ago, meaning it was now 6:25pm. Merlock sighed as she got up dragging her aching bones over to the fridge, she grabbed a leftover pizza and a bottle of alcohol before sitting on the couch, using the table as a foot rest, and consuming both of them.
"So this is my life, heh, if mother was still around, maybe things would be different...oh well I guess." She got off the couch getting changed into her pyjamas, she didn't feel like going anywhere tonight.
Merlock lay down on her bed slowly drifting into a blissful sleep wondering when the blonde would arrive.

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