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Hello! I'm ThatShyStardust, but you can call me Star. I'll be guiding you through the AU that I created together with fallingunDawn. You, the person reading this, could join this AU! The roles are:

• The journal owner;

• The fun sibling/cousin/friend;

• The chill crush;

• The jerk boyfriend;

• The owner;

• The cool employee;

• The insane psychic;

• The rich jerk;

• The missing author/sibling/friend/partner;

• The broken minded;

• The dream demon.

For now there are only four roles taken, to find out which one of those are check the list of characters and roles! I'll be giving a small template with information on them and soon enough, me and Dawn will draw the designs (if you join this and decide to draw your own design, feel free to do so.)

If you have an AU, I ask that you try to match the style of your AU character. Example:

You want to be the chill crush and you have an AU named Triple Gravity (There's no AU with that name, I just randomly said this) where Dipper is the chill crush. You could draw yourself on your style but also combined with your Dipper design. I hope that made sense.

If you don't want to then it's okay, I can't force you.

This AU has the participation from characters from BrightnessWings19 Gravity Rises. She gave me permission to add them.

One last thing: Do not cuss. This is a profanity-clean series, so avoid the comments with dirty-minded jokes, cussing and offensive words towards anyone of whatever community. If done once, I'll let you slide with a warning and delete the comment, do it again and you're blocked. No third chanced.

That's all I had to explain here, let's get started.

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