The Rich Jerk

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Taken by: ThatShyStardust/me

Character name: Star Northwest

Birthday: 02/01

Age: 15-16 (depending on what season it will be written)

Hair Colour: Dark blonde

Eye Colour: Brown (natural); Blue (glowing)

Family: Dawn (twin), Pacifica Pleasure (caretaker), Gideon Northwest (caretaker)


The backstory is the same one as Dawn's, but to avoid a short description, I'll add some stuff of what happened while they were gone.

Star decided to explore the forest by himself without Gideon's supervision. Big mistake, really. In there, he met a very chic demon with an umbrella. He learned with Gideon not to trust demons, so when she offered a deal, he said no and stuck his tongue out before he ran away. For some reason, the demon didn't chase him.

As time went by, Star had learned many things about magic, the forest, the town and his caretaker, part of his personality had changed, and to his own surprise, he actually made some friends (more like a squad that follows him around, he doesn't like them very much. They kinda remind him of Marius, Vincent and Felix/Gideon's gang). He didn't tell Gideon about the demon he met a while ago, but still dreams with them some nights. One night of another, he finds a drawing on his bed, with a very intriguing signature: a triangle with an eye.

Finally, Dawn is back to town, he and his sibling reunite. He even goes to the show at the Tent now that Dawn took over it. But the show had ended and Dawn came back with a very weird mood.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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