Chapter 60

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"Keith, are you now okay?" Rhianne asked as she gently rubbed his back while offering him a bottle of water.

But Keith's only response to her is a hum. He is also giving his chest a little massage to soothe the pain he felt earlier in the ice cream shop. He will never forget this day when an ice cream almost ended his life.

"Rhianne." Keith called her name in a low voice.


"Please stop making me surprised while we are eating."

Keith did not know whether he will be lucky to survive next time or not.

But of course, he is just exaggerating. But being the receiving end of her confession while a spoonful of ice cream is in his mouth will cause his early death. It was really unexpected and she just said those words out of nowhere. Can anyone blame him if he acted like that when the girl he likes suddenly said those ambiguous words?

They are now at the park located behind the mall. The rain has stopped pouring an hour ago. Rhianne found a dry bench so she put their things there and pulled Keith to go and sit beside her.

"Oh, okay. Then I will never surprise you again in the future."

"Hey. That's not what I mean." Keith quickly protested.

"But you said just now that you hate surprises."

"And you know that—Tch. You are just messing up with me again." 

Rhianne let out a chuckle which makes her companion let out a sigh. 

"But do you mean it?"


"When you said that earlier, do you actually mean it?" Keith seriously asked. 

"Of course." Rhianne quickly replied. "I will never lie to you when it comes to these things."

"...Wait. I want to make sure that we are on the same page." Keith said before taking a deep breath. 


Keith cleared his throat first before he moved his body to face Rhianne. Then he holds her hand and moves it closer to his lips. His eyes are still staring at her. Though Rhianne feels a little shy, still did not avoid his gaze and waits for him to say something.

"Rhianne, can you close your eyes for a second?"

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Keith stares at the girl who obediently closed her eyes without asking the reason why. She really trusts him a lot, huh. It never fails to make him feel a warmth in his chest every time Rhianne shows a lot of faith in him. With a chuckle, he pulled a velvet box from his pocket and opened it. 

Rhianne can feel something cold wrapping around her wrist. Soon, Rhianne jumped on her seat when she feels Keith's soft lips at the back of her hand. But before she can protest or ask him a question, Keith finally said to open her eyes. 

Rhianne is now wearing a charm bracelet around her wrist. There are seven charms on it in total. Six of them are flower charms such as rose, tulip, carnation, primrose, lilac, and peony. The seventh charm is a pink crystal shaped into a flower that sparkles even at night. 

"Keith, this is..."

"Well... It is actually my surprise gift for you after we watch the fireworks display that I planned tonight. But as you can see, that did not happen because of the sudden rain earlier." Keith slowly explained. "But I still want to give it to you. Just because my plan failed doesn't mean I cannot give it to you anymore."

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