Chapter 6

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The scene where Rhianne is crying while crouching on the floor is what Francis saw when he opened the door. He panicked a little while yelling loudly to call their parents to go to her room. Seeing her dearest daughter in that state, Carmie quickly approached Rhianne trying to calm her down. She did not know who held her body, but Rhianne wraps her slender arms on that person's body as she cried louder than before.

Her cries are very painful for them to hear. In their memories, Rhianne is a bubbly and energetic child. The youngest member of their family rarely cries unless her feelings are hurt. 

It took them a whole hour before they managed to calm down the youngest member of their family. Her eyes are now a bit red and swollen while some of her tears are still hanging on her eyelashes. Her cheeks are also swollen and her pouty lips are slightly trembling.

Francis initiatively bring a glass of water, a straw, and a soft towel for his sister to drink. Carmie reached for the glass and helps Rhianne to take small sips of water. She also used the soft towel to gently wipe her daughter's face. After a few more minutes, Rhianne finally collected her emotions and stops from crying. Rhianne lowered her head, trying to hide her messy appearance from the people around her. 

She suddenly feels ashamed crying like that in front of them. Rhianne thinks she probably disturbed them from her sudden outburst. Although they know her as their family, but they are still strangers to Rhianne.

"Talk to us, dear. What happened? Why are you crying?" Carmie asked in a hushed voice trying not to scare or surprised her daughter.

"It's nothing." Rhianne answered in a small voice. "I am sorry for disturbing you all."

"No, no. It's okay. Sweetie, you are not a bother to us."


"I can promise that you did not disturb us." Carmie reassured her. 


"May I know what happened? Why are you crying?"

"...I'm sorry. I just feel...anxious and scared."

"You should not apologize for it, okay?" Carmie said in a soft voice. 

Rhianne nodded her head as an answer.

"Do you want to lay on your bed?"

"Uhm... You are my mother, right?" Rhianne timidly asked in a small voice instead of answering her question. Then she looks at the two men standing behind Carmie. "And you two are my father and brother."

Due to her question, tears suddenly appeared again in Carmie's eyes. She blinked her eyes rapidly to stop herself from crying in front of her daughter. This is not the right time for her to cry. As her mother, she has to be strong.
Tim and Francis just gave her a quiet nod. It really breaks their heart to Rhianne like this. The way she talks to them is full of wariness. It feels like they are now walking on thin ice around them so they decided not to startle her and just quietly answer her question.

Seeing the reaction on their faces, Rhianne suddenly feels guilty in her heart. Although it was not intentional, she still hurt their feelings. They may be strangers to her, but she is a beloved member of their family in their perspective. It is not right for her to hurt them like this.

"You are right, my dear. I am your mother." Carmie said then she looks at Tim and Francis behind her. "And they are your father and brother."

Rhianne timidly nodded her head in understanding. Remembering that she just got discharged from the hospital, Tim told his wife to let their daughter rest and they will continue explaining everything to her tomorrow morning. Carmie asked Rhianne if she wants to eat anything, but she refused. Crying for an hour makes her want to go to bed early due to exhaustion. 

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