Chapter 22

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Rhianne can feel the stinging pain in her knees, but she ignored it, remembering that Keith has more wounds and bruises than her. Compared to his injuries, her own wounds were nothing. When they arrived at the school clinic, the doctor in-charge looked at both of them before approaching Rhianne to tell her to sit on the sofa for a while.

Rhianne said that she can treat her own wounds and insisted that the doctor should focus on treating Keith's wounds instead. The doctor looked at Keith for the first time before she started treating his wounds. Keith had red bruises on his arms and back. His lips were bleeding and has a lot of scratches on his arms. His once clean and white uniform was now tattered and dirty.

The teacher who brought Rhianne and Keith informed them that they will call their parents to fetch them before leaving the clinic. Keith was hissing in pain and tried to complain whenever the doctor puts antiseptic on his wounds. The doctor didn't apologize. Instead, she even scolded and told him to stop moving so they she can properly treat his wounds.

After a few minutes, the doctor said that she finished treating his wounds and told him to sit on the vacant chair near the door. When the doctor asked Rhianne if she needs help in treating her wounds, the doctor has a doting smile on her face as if she was talking to her own grandchild.

Seeing this, Keith can't help but complain in his heart. There was a huge difference in her treatment for both of them. The doctor treated Rhianne so well while she treated him as if he is a troublesome kid. Keith chose not to voice out his complaints and obediently sit on the chair next to Rhianne.

Rhianne also noticed the behavior of their school doctor. The doctor was looking at Keith as if he owes her a huge sum of money. Did he offend this doctor by any chance? Rhianne reassured the doctor that she is totally fine. Although her knees were slightly swollen because of her wounds, Rhianne didn't complain. This wound is too far from harming her organs, so why make a fuss?

Suddenly, the guard who helped Rhianne to stop the fight entered the clinic. He was ordered to bring the doctor and treat the wounds of the boys in the detention room. The doctor sighed loudly and started collecting her things and put them in a bag.

"Boys these days only know how to fight! If they just want to fight like wild roosters, then just do it outside the school premises. They even involved innocent bystanders in their fight. Shameless!" They heard the doctor muttered under her breath as she continued putting the boxes of ointment and alcohol in her bag.

So that's the reason why. This doctor misunderstood Keith because of his injuries. Rhianne patted Keith on his shoulder to show her sympathy. He ignored it and just let Rhianne do whatever she wants. The doctor left the clinic with the guard.

Rhianne was dabbing cotton soaked in medicine on her knees carefully. When Keith saw this, he gently kneels in front of her, and wordlessly grabbed the cotton from her hands. Keith dabbed it personally on her wounds. Rhianne flinched every time Keith puts the medicine on her wounds, but she didn't complain. Since his intention is good, then she just let him do it.



"Can you be honest with me?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Are you secretly afraid of me too?"


Where did this question come from?

"You heard it, right? They all call me a freak. In their eyes, I'm a monster needed to be hidden from everyone."

Keith finished applying for the medicine on her wounds. He three the cotton he was holding in the trash can and pick a band-aid and put it on her wounds. Rhianne can't see his expression properly. Then he let out a sigh.

"I think it's much better if I didn't exist, huh. Maybe it would be better if I will just disappear in this world."

No one answered him. Keith pursed his lips and lifted his head to see her face. But the moment he raised his head, Keith feels a new stinging pain on his cheek. He does not have enough time to think when he heard a sob.

"Rhia, did you—"

"I slapped you!" Rhianne admitted aggressively. "So what? Is it not enough?!"

"Why did you—"

"Because you are so stupid! What now? Just because of those insulting words, you feel down and start thinking of disappearing? How can you be so sensitive?!"

Then Rhianne took a deep breath. Keith was still in dazed while staring at Rhianne shouting at him aggressively. He never thought that Rhianne will be mad at him to the point that she can slap him on his face.

"Why do you want to disappear? Just because they threw hurtful and insulting words at you? Because they hate you for being better than them? Because they were jealous of you? I did not expect you to be so fragile!"

Rhianne took a deep breath before she continued.

"Do you think those reasons are enough? Then you are wrong! This world is too cruel. You can never easily get whatever you want. You can't please everyone. It's inevitable to have people who will hate you. But you should not bother about it. You should instead keep on going for you to live in this world."

Rhianne suddenly remembered her hardship in her past life. She lost her parents at a very young age. Rhianne needs to work hard so she can have food to eat and a place to live. She needs to study hard for her not to lose the scholarship.

"Do you know that a lot of people are struggling just to live? They sometimes think of giving up, but they never did. You know why? Because they still want to live and wanted to experience life. But here you are, thinking of dying just because you're hurt. You should be ashamed of yourself!"

In her past life, committing suicide sometimes occurred in her mind. She was already exhausted to live even if she's still young. But she never did it and quickly erased that thought in her head. If she will commit suicide, then Rhianne just wasted her effort to live up until now.

"In fact, you are so lucky. You are born with a golden spoon in your mouth. You can eat the food you wanted to eat, you can buy anything you desire, and you can go to places that you want to visit. Aside from that, you also have people that will support you. You still have your parents and your brother. I am also here as your friend! Are we still not enough for you?! Do you really think that a word from someone who didn't know you really matter so much that you are thinking of awful things to hurt yourself?!"

He still has people on his side and yet he still dares to think that he's unlucky? Unlike him, Rhianne does not have a loving family until she transmigrated into this world. She was poor and needs to work hard every day. She was facing her problems every day all by herself and struggling to survive in the past.

And this young male lead has the guts to have an idea of disappearing just because his feelings were hurt?! Did he already experience sleeping at night while his stomach was churning due to hunger? Did he already experience wearing the same old pair of clothes every day because he was trying to save money as much as she can? Did he already experienced being rejected so many times because people are looking down at his life status?

His words really made Rhianne so mad!

"H-Hey... I'm sorry—"

"Don't you dare apologize to me! You should never do that."

"B-But you're crying..."

Rhianne did not realize that she was already crying while fiercely scolding this young man. The bitterness she felt in her past life suddenly bloomed in her chest. Carried away from this feeling, Rhianne cried loudly in the clinic.

"If you want to think like that, then I don't want you to be the male lead anymore! I don't like you to be the male lead. My Mr. Protagonist in the story should be strong enough to show the world that he can face whatever problems the world will throw at him. I really want to hate you."

Keith panicked when Rhianne suddenly cried. Ignoring his injuries, he tried his best to stop Rhianne from crying. Her tears keep on spilling from her eyes.

This was the scene that Francis and Keith's mother witnessed after opening the door. There was a girl crying so much and a boy who had a swollen cheek but still tried to stop the girl from crying. Witnessing this scene, both of them didn't know whether to do next.

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