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Jobe's POV:

I woke up to my alarm noisily blasting next to my head. I reach over and try to turn it off, knocking it off the table.

"Bloody hell." I curse lowly lazily getting up. I had football practice at 6 am. Too early I swear. I walk over to the bathroom connected to my room and smoothly take off my tshirt. I catch my reflection in the mirror as my muscles and abs flex. I stretch my limbs so that I don't feel too sore and start my day.

After taking a shower and dressing up I grab my football bag and am jogging down the stairs when I find my older brother sitting on the couch in our family's living room, cool. Wait.

"JUDE BRO?? YOURE HERE?!" I yell making him jump, since he was scrolling on his phone not paying attention to his surroundings.

"Yooo fam, you scared the crap outta me!" Jude said laughing, as he got up and we both dapped each other up.

"Language boys. Do I have to remind you lot?" My dad said standing in the doorway rolling his eyes playfully, a smile tugging at his lips.

"My bad dad. It's good to see you" Jude said giving him a hug, my dad patted his back. We haven't seen Jude and mom in a while since she they both live in Germany because of Jude's football career. We decided that Jude still needed someone there so mom went and I stayed with dad back in Birmingham.

My beautiful mother appeared in the doorway next to my dad with a huge smile on her face. I practically jumped on her.

"Momm!! I missed you so much!!" I said hugging her tightly, as I felt her soothing hands wrap around me. I love my mother and respect her, people call me a momma's boy but I don't care. This woman gave me everything I have and I appreciate her.

"Aww I missed you too Jobey, how have you been? Have you been eating healthy? You haven't been playing too much games right??" My mom rambled checking my face and examining me like she was some doctor. I let out a laugh as I wiggled out of her hold.

"Honey you didn't let him do anything stupid right?" My mom turned towards dad suspiciously.

"Darling, he's fine. He's been good, he basically works out every day. I think he's healthy enough." My dad said sweetly looking at my mom with nothing but love in his eyes. I know those two missed each other a lot. They're literal love birds.

I looked over at Jude and we both made eye contact, agreeing that we should leave our parents to their love doveyness. We walked into the kitchen and took one look at each other and started cackling.

"Yo I actually missed you fam" Jude said after we quieter down from laughing.

"Who wouldn't?" I said smirking cockily. Jude just rolled his eyes at my ego, which I may add isn't as big as his.

"So why are you and mom home out of the blue?" I asked. They usually came home on holidays or important events but today was just too random.

"Um I don't know just told me we were going somewhere and the next thing I know we're on a plane" Jude said scratching his chin.

"Well anyways! You got a girlfriend yet??" Jude asked excitedly. "Oh my god! Have you popped your cherry yet!! Jobe please tell me you have." Jude said squishing my cheeks annoyingly. 

I looked at him disgusted and concern on my face. What is wrong with my brother. "No, I'm still single and I'm happy with that. I'm not a manwhore like you Jude." I sighed shaking my head disapprovingly.

"This is exactly why you can't get your dick wet."

"Excuse me?!! First of all you're disgusting, and second of all you're lucky you don't have stds or something" I scrunched up my nose at him.

Sometimes I just looked at my brother and wondered how on earth we were related. I mean we look alike, like a lot. But other than our similar looks and cockiness and love for football we were two complete different people. He was what you would call a fuckboy, and I was a quiet type of guy, someone who didn't find the need to get into every girl's skirts.

"Cunt" He fired playfully at me.


"You know you want some" Jude smirked.

"Alright, you're done." I said completely shocked. Just then both our parents walked in holding hands, their smiles were so bright I was gonna go blind.

"Hey boys! We have some news!" Dad announced beaming.

"Oh God, don't tell me you guys made a baby in the short time we left you alone." Jude groaned, judgingly looking the two up and down. I burst out uncontrollably with laughter. Tears were streaming down my eyes as a I held onto the table.

"Jude Bellingham." My mom said warningly shooting a glare at the both of us.

"Anyways, I know you're probably wondering why we're all gathered here together... we'll me and your mother decided.." My dad said in his serious tone causing the mood to turn serious

"We haven't had much time spending together, and we all need a break from life sooo we're going on vacation!!" My dad finished after drawling out his speech for the longest time.

My mom grins besides him like they've just won the lottery. Me and Jude glance to each other unsure. I mean I really do like vacation, it's just I've been really busy with football and I don't think now is the best time to "have family time".

I let out a loud groan. "Moommm you know we have football right? What are we supposed to do?" I whined.

"Oh come on it's just a couple of weeks, and besides we consulted with both of your team managers and they agreed!" Mom said optimistic as ever.

"We're leaving to go to Hawaii tomorrow morning so better start packing!" Mom tells us as she wraps herself around dad like a Koala hugging a tree. I scrunch my face at the sight. Everyone just loves to remind me of how single I am. I roll my eyes and start going up the stairs. I hear footsteps following behind me and I assume they're Jude's. Our parents don't even notice us leaving as they're too in love.

"You think it's gonna be fun?" I ask Jude glancing back at him.

"I meann we may be missing practice, but now we can find you a girlfriend! Cause you sure as hell need one." Jude says snickering to himself. I just roll my eyes at him. It's Jude what do you expect. All the girls love him. He's the first born, the better sibling. He's always the first choice then I'm the second, I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. I just hope one day I can be someone's first choice.

Heyyy! Sorry I haven't updated, I'll try to be more consistent. I've just been busy with school and after school activities but I hope you liked this chapter❤️

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