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EMERSON WAS AT a loss with what cole was texting her about. she had no idea what she did and could tell he was furious with her.

she and trevor were cuddling in trevor's bed watching a movie when cole texted her.

after emerson tried to call him about fifteen times, and cole didn't answer once, emerson started having a panic attack.

"trevor, i have no idea what i did." emerson cried as trevor repositioned them so he could hold her as she was crying. "emmy it'll be okay, i promise." trevor said as he held her to his chest and rubbed circles into her back.

jamie knocked on trevor's door and trevor told him to come in. "hey, i heard crying." jamie said, and looked at emerson wrapped in trevor's arms. "what's wrong?" jamie asked as he joined them on the bed, putting his hand on emerson's back.

"cole texted her and seems really mad." trevor said pulling emerson closer to him. "oh. emerson it'll be okay. you guys can get through anything. and i can tell you both love each other more than life so whatever happens it'll be okay." jamie told her. "thanks jd." said emerson.

emerson decided to get up and wash her face. after she went to her own room, needing her own space. she decided to call cole one more time, praying he would answer.

if it was some kind of miracle, cole answered the phone.

"cole, thank god." emerson said, feeling tears fall down her face. "what do you want?" he asked in a rude tone. "what did i do?" emerson asked, the tears coming down faster. "i don't want to talk about it over the phone, emerson." cole said, having a tear escape his left eye. "we will talk about it tomorrow morning when i get in." he added. "cole, will you please tell me." emerson begged her twin.

"emerson, i found out a secret through an instagram dm. i feel so betrayed by you. so no, i don't want to talk about it over the phone. i want to talk about it when i see you so i know how important this is to you, or if you are just going to get hurt by this. and plus you shouldn't keep secrets like this from me. emerson i'm your brother, your damn twin. i can tell you anything but you obviously can't." cole told her, "i love you emerson, but i'm so pissed. i'm getting an uber when i get to anaheim and coming straight to talk to you." he added.

"cole i'm so sorry, i'll talk to you about it tomorrow. because i'm still confused." emerson said, still crying. "okay bye, love you emerson." cole said hanging up before hearing his sisters goodbye.

emerson made her way back to trevor's room. she knocked on the door, to a half passed out trevor.

"hey trev?" she whispered, coming through the door. "emmy." he said in a groggy voice. "can i sleep in here?" she asked closing his bedroom door behind her.

he scooted over and moved his covers so emerson could get in. she walked straight over to the bed and got in, snuggling right onto trevor's chest. "i talked to cole." she muttered closing her eyes as she said it.

trevor moved his hand to rub her back, "how'd it go?" he asked her. "not good. but it's better, and i don't think he's as mad." she said.

"hey, i know this is definitely not the right time to ask this question. but, emerson caufield, will you be my girlfriend?" trevor asked, obviously nervous. "yes trevor, i'd love to." emerson said, moving her head to kiss her boyfriend.

"goodnight, emmy." said trevor, kissing emerson's forehead. "nighty night trev." she said back to him.

and they fell asleep in 5 minutes.

WHEN EMERSON WOKE up, she checked her phone and saw texts from cole saying he was on his way.

she quickly got up, got dressed, brushed her teeth, and fixed her hair.

she went into trevor's bedroom and shook him till he woke up. "good morning." he smiled at her. "why are you up?" he asked emerson. "my brother is on his way here, and i'm kinda scared he knows we're dating. so i need you to get up and get ready so if he tried to beat your ass you can at least defend yourself if you need to." she smiled at him and walked out of his bedroom. "no morning kiss?" he asked, getting out of bed.

"after your ready. its your reward." emerson joked.

she then went into jamie's room, and shook him awake too. "get up sleepy head, coles on his way here." said emerson, walking out of his room too.

emerson started pacing around the living room, stress cleaning the already practically spotless room.

trevor came out of his bedroom and walked up to his girlfriend and gave her a hug. "emerson it's gonna be okay, i promise you." said trevor, and then placed a kiss on her lips.

about 5 seconds after there was a knock on the apartment door. "trevor don't come to the door yet." emerson said, kissing his cheek. she walked to the door and opened it to reveal her twin brother. "hi cole." said emerson giving him a hug which he barely returned. "we have to talk." he said walking into the apartment. "right now?" emerson asked, obviously nervous.

"hi cole." trevor said to his old teammate. "hey trevor. i'm sorry but i have to talk to emerson in private right now." cole said, "um, we can go in my room." emerson added showing her brother to her room.

"so, you want to talk." emerson said closing the door behind cole. "yeah, so you and trevor?" he asked, raising his voice a little bit. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier but, i wanted to tell you in person. and i just didn't want you to freak out like you are." she told her brother. "and cole wouldn't you want me to date someone you know?" emerson asked raising her voice a little bit. "yes! but i was expecting jack or even alex! i like trevor, he is like one of my best friends, but it's trevor. he's kind of a man whore." coke said raising his voice even more. "cole! he's my best friend other than you or megan, he treats me like i should be treated. and he likes me for me. cole wouldn't you want be to be with someone who actually really likes me?" emerson said, yelling at this point.

"so he isn't gonna hurt you?" cole finally lowering his voice. "no cole, he would never." said emerson, lowering her voice too. "i can tell you actually really like him." cole said smiling at his twin. "so much cole, you have no idea." she told him. "i'm happy for you emerson, i just wish you would've told me before i found out from someone through a dm." cole said. "i'm so sorry cole, but i just really wanted to tell you in person." said emerson.

"i really missed you emerson." said cole, "i missed you more." emerson said giving cole a big hug.

"so tell me everything." cole said, making him self comfortable in emersons room. "are you sure you don't want to see trevor and meet jamie?" emerson asked. "they can wait, i want to know how california is." said cole. "fine, but then we have to go see them" emerson said before telling him everything about what has happened in california so far.


i don't really know what to say other than, i'm so sorry for not updating in like a month.

i just want to say i'm back and plan on writing a lot.

also, thank you so so so much for over 21k reads.
that is actually so so crazy. i can't thank you guys enough.

anyway i hope you enjoy, i love you all!

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