6. Prisoner

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Nina barely slept that night. Xander warned her that he expected men from the Capitol to meet them by midday tomorrow.

He would return to his station and she would go to find out what her future holds. She didn't press him for further details, for fear of his punishment. She wouldn't do that to him. She would find out herself soon enough.

She could've sworn Xander was deliberately moving slower than usual as they walked in silence through the morning fog. The weather was dreary. As if it could sense the melancholy mood they were in. She held her arms tight around the thick wool shirt Xander had given her.

He came to a sudden stop.

"Nina, I-" he sighed. "Nina, we've only known each other for a couple days but I feel like I've gotten to know you fairly well in that time." He looked down at his hands, fidgeting nervously. "What I want to say is, if I had a daughter I'd like to imagine my time with her would be like what we've shared on this journey." He looked up at the sky as if studying it, but she knew it was to hide his emotional state. It shattered her heart but also warmed it in a way she couldn't describe.

"Oh Zander, you-" she was cut off as Zander's head whipped to his right quickly.

"They're approaching Nina. Time is short."

He looked at her with panic and grief in his eyes.

She removed the thick shirt he had provided and handed it to him. Rubbing her arms against her thin t-shirt. .

"What are you-"

"Xander, it sounds like they won't appreciate you showing me any kindness. So they don't need to know. We had a deal, remember?" She pleaded with him with her eyes.

He gave a short nod and let out a long sigh.

"You'll be in my prayers Nina."

"Will I ever see you again Xander? Do you ever leave your station?"

Pain flashed across his features. "This is the furthest I've gone from that station in two years, Nina."

He squeezed her hand and placed a paper inside it. "Hide this letter Nina. Show it to no one but the King himself. It may be your only hope for a fair hearing."

And with that he took a few steps away from her. Assuming a straighter, more rigid posture just in time for her to see the men's helmets topping the hill.

She quickly tucked the paper into her bra before their faces came into view, taking a deep breath to prepare for what may come next.


Nina longed to take in all of the fascinating culture around her as they entered the outskirts of The Capitol. But every time she found herself indulging herself, she would feel the sharp tug of the rope that was tight around her wrists and be brought back to her more pressing task at hand. In a lot of ways, she was reminded of the Renaissance period or the Middle Ages in Europe. Both with her current attachment to a horse led ridden by a soldier, and in the way the city was set up.

They reached the top of the hill and Nina got her first look at what she promptly named 'The Capitol Palace.' It was enormous and mesmerizing, she could have stared at it for hours to take it all in. Below it was rows upon rows of smaller buildings, which she guessed were both businesses and residences. She could see how truly large this kingdom was. And yet she'd never heard of it.

But she wouldn't dwell on that thought now. She needed water, food, and sleep. But she wasn't confident she'd get any of those things.

"Positive thoughts, focus on exploring" She said to herself. "Positive thoughts." She had a newfound determination to enjoy these sites while she was able to.

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