Sneak Peak of Book 2

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"I was beginning to wonder if you would show yourself."   She stopped, shocked. He knew she was there the whole time?! Her little boost of confidence from earlier was gone. He let out a small chuckle and added "Don't take it too hard, I am trained to not let things sneak up on me. I couldn't survive out here otherwise."

"I wasn't trying to sneak up on you... not exactly. I just wasn't sure if I could trust you."

"And you're sure now?"

"No." Her lips pressed together in a line, squishing her nerves down. "I don't see a better option. So I'm simply hoping I can."

His eyebrow rose at this as he examined her slowly.  He sighed and turned towards the hut. "Come, get warm by the fire."

As they both approached the dwelling she gave him a silent word of thanks and then followed him in, keeping her distance as much as she could inside the little one room hut. She noticed he kept his eye on her as well.

"So.  What brings you here?" He began.

"I'm looking for someone."

"Oh?" He just waited for her answer.

"Yes." She replied vaguely, not sure how much information she should give him.

"And what makes you think that someone is in this area?" His eyes stayed on her and his features seemed to be having an inner struggle. She wasn't sure what he was struggling with and it made her uneasy.

"I have my reasons." She said, but then realized she was likely coming off as rude to the only person who could potentially offer her help. She let out a long breath, deciding she had no other choice, she continued. "Listen, I'm not sure where to find her but I have to keep looking. Has a girl passed through here? Maybe around a month ago?"

He gave a slight smile to her now, she could barely see it through his growing beard that was in bad need of a trim. "I figured as much." He said.


She took a bold step toward him, holding a stern glare at his face, a mere foot or so away from hers. She wasn't the type to slap someone but she certainly felt like he deserved it for whatever he was insinuating.

"No." She ground out the word.

He lowered his voice and stared at her with an amused glint in his eye. "Well, I guess there's a first time for everything then, Sweet Pea."

She took a step back. "Don't call me that." She said through clenched teeth. He simply nodded and added more wood to the fire. They each prepared for sleep and climbed into their beds. After several moments of silence she stated quietly  "I didn't ask your name."


"Hezron... Thank you." She sighed. "Thank you for letting me stay with you and telling me what you know of Nina."

"My pleasure, Sweet Pea."

"Don't call me that."

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