An Orange Tabby Cat

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James Marriot, the son of King Charles, was walking down the street with his father. There was an awkward silence between them, almost like Charles was disappointed in James.

"Why don't you have a wife yet James? You are in need of having one soon since I don't know when I will drop dead." King Charles said as if he was crying.

James had a moment to think. Why didn't he have a wife, he was perfect, he is lovable and thirst-trap worthy. How peculiar.

"Hmmm I don't know dad, I just think I'm too good for all these PEASANT people." James shouted out loud so that everyone would hear.

The silence stayed between the two, Charles was looking around at every lady who could be Queen worthy. James was doing the same but rather than people he was trying to find cats. He saw one specific cat, an orange tabby cat who was quite a bit overweight and had stripes on the back of his back. James knew who that cat was, he could never forget that specific cat. His worst enemy. Garfield.

The reason for James's hatred for Garfield was because his fur was his least favourite colour. Orange! Plus he always found him annoying, always asking for lasagna, his deep hatred for Mondays. It made no sense, not many people like Monday but they don't say it EVERY DAMN TIME.

James was staring at the cat, his eyes filled with deep hatred. Suddenly, Charles picked up a glass bottle from the floor, probably from some drunk man at the pub, and smashed it on James's head. All the glass going in his hair, on his clothes and on the floor. Everyone was staring at him, making comments and even laughing at him, the whole situation was embarrassing.

"WELL!? EXPLAIN WHY YOU DON'T HAVE A WIFE!" Charles proclaimed out loud, even more people staring at him, most already having their phones out recording them. He wanted to dig himself into a hole, he was so embarrassed, someone from the royal family being humiliated by his own father in public, something you only hear in movies and books.

"I don't know dad, I'm sorry, I'm just too good for all these PEASANT cats!" James's eyes widened at how loud he said the last part.

'Oh NO no one should know I'm a lover of cats! People are going to judge me so badly. I'm so screwed.' James thought to himself hoping the public didn't hear, if they did he's going have to write a statement that it was not true and that his father thought he loved cats, in that way, but it was a misunderstanding since he meant he just wanted a pet cat cause he loved them that much.

"CATS!?"Charles yelled confused as to why his son said that.

'What is my boy about? CATS!?!? What is wrong with him? Did I hear wrongly, is my hearing getting worse? I mean I know he's been wanting a cat since he was young, but I didn't know he wanted one to be his WIFE. WAIT WIFE. He wants to marry a CAT!? Is he insane!? He is a HUMAN, not a CAT. My son is a FREAK!' Charles thought to himself.

Charles looked at James in disgust. He was very disappointed in James, and he said it in front of the public. He's going to force him to write a statement to explain himself.

Garfield overheard the commotion. He was annoyed. He heard the way James spoke of cats. As PEASANTS, Garfield mimicked the way James yelled it in his head. Made him giggle a bit.

The thing was Garfield always loved James, when they first met. Ever since his brother, George and his friends Sapnap and Dream attacked him, he tried to stop them but James got really angry and nearly shot George dead! As he tried to shoot us, he yelled "I WILL ALWAYS HATE ORANGE CATS!" Ever since then whenever he saw an orange cat he kicked them.

He hates having huge feelings for James because it made him confused.

One of his friends, Odie, although he was a dog he was his best friend, knew he had a huge crush on James. He pushed him onto the pavement and told him to go to James. Suddenly, Garfield got a huge wave of confidence. As he walked towards James he swung his tail back and forth, having his signature smile on showcase, he felt hot. He mewled quite loudly trying to get James's attention, which he got, and rubbed himself against his shoe.

"Heyyy~ James, remember that night." He winked at James even though they never had a night together.

Charles heard what the cat said, he looked at James angrily, did he escape? "Huh!?! What NIGHT! You've been locked in the castle for at least a year! Don't tell me you've been escaping the castle!" Charles yelled out loud once again, most people staring at them.

James looked confused at Garfield, what was he talking about, they never had a night together.

"What night CAT, I've never had a night with ANY cat!" James panicked and kicked Garfield away, he hated him.

Garfield complied and ran off to Odie, tears coming out of his eyes. James saw his sudden change and felt bad. He heard a meow coming from down below and saw a sexy looking white cat licking his shoe. He was in disgust, although the cat looked very good looking, it was nothing compared to Garfield.

"Hey baby, you should spend a night with me." The white cat winked at James. James was really uncomfortable with the situation. Luckily, his father shooed the cat away.

"I have no idea what is happening with these cats, I swear I'm into people not cats." James Looked at his father concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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