New beginnings

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"Hold on," Strickler said, stopping them all in their tracks. "Who was on the other end?"

"I forgot to ask..." He mumbled, sinking back into the couch.

"It doesn't matter. We need a lead of some sort, don't we? It wouldn't hurt to check."

He got back up, hopping onto his short legs. Barbara sat down, still in disbelief that her innocent son was a fugitive on the run.

"Go on then. I'll stay back here with her," Strickler said, gesturing to Jim's worried mother.

They both gave him an affirmative nod before rushing off into the portal Claire had just created. Douxie had been sitting on his hotel bed, stuffing his face with his favorite burgers, not expecting guests. He threw it back into the box and dusted himself off before getting off the mattress.

"Claire and Toby, this is a nice surprise. What brings you two here? A few lessons, I suppose?"

"No, actually. Have you heard the news?"

His surprised expression said all they needed to know. Before they could speak, Zoe burst into the room, holding a drink and bag.

"Doux, have you heard the news?!" She exclaimed, still not seeing the two teens in the room.

"What news is everyone talking about?" He asked, still confused.

"That human trollhunter, Jim-"

"He's on the run," Claire finished, startling Zoe who had just walked in a few moments ago.

"Yeah, that," she said, taking a sip of her drink and throwing her bag on the floor. "Rumors say he's here, you know. I can tell you have no idea where he is."



"So, what happened afterwards?" The interviewer asked, his eyes and ears oozing with curiosity.

"I got arrested, obviously. They were seconds away from issuing me life in prison," I told him, reaching out to the table to take a sip of water.

"I'm assuming it was the video that set you free? Which leads me to the question everyone has been wanting the answer to: Was the video real or was it just edited?"

I nearly choked on my water, but I had expected this question to pop up sometime in the conversation. All of Arcadia already knew my answer and it was time for the rest of the world to find out.

"It's all real. Magic exists and it's very real, I assure you."

"Can you prove it here? Live on TV?"

A small smile quirked at the ends of my lips as I reached back into my pocket to grab the amulet. It glowed for a few seconds before activating itself, latching onto me. He nearly staggered back in his seat when he looked back at the camera to read the script. His mind seemed to lag at the next question projected onto the white screen, but after a few seconds of hesitation, he read it aloud.

"Who are you then?"

"Me? I'm James Lake the Trollhunter."

Author's note:

This was just back story, but the story progresses really fast from here and I've planned like 3 generations ahead. Once again, I stole this plot from another story I've written before. I posted it on this profile but it didn't do that well so I decided to make it Trollhunters-related.

Hope you enjoyed!


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