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Chapter 1

  "Sign this contract and join the Su family, and you will be able to pay off your debts..."

  The lawyer pushed the heavy agreement in front of Lin Mu, smiling meaningfully.

  Lin Mu's eyes were straightened, and chaotic memories flashed through her mind like a revolving lantern. She subconsciously pushed her glasses, but when she raised her hand to touch the bridge of her nose, it missed.

  That's right, the original body was not nearsighted at all, and there was no longer a clear frame boundary in his field of vision.

  In a daze, the lawyer continued to be persuasive.

  "Miss Lin, you have to know that you are not the only alpha who meets the requirements. Although the superfluous A is ugly, it is only a small loss of reputation, and it only takes three years. Although the monthly living expenses are 100,000..."

  "Wait, how much did you say?" Lin Mu's eyes flashed, and he raised his head subconsciously.

  The lawyer frowned, "Three years..."

  "I said later, how much is it per month?"

  The female alpha stared at him closely, even though she was still young, but the aura of the top alpha had already overwhelmed him, making him swallow involuntarily.

  "Ten... one hundred thousand."

  "Okay! I signed it!"

  The tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and Lin Mu's tense profile relaxed, and he even signed his name a little impatiently.

  That aura, like a proud lone wolf, transformed into a Erha wagging its head and tail in seconds. If you put a tail on her, you might be able to spin a big windmill.

  The lawyer stared at the contract that Erha handed over, with a complicated expression on his face, feeling that his previous work had been fed to the dog. A top-level alpha, even a fresh graduate, is still a talent that countless companies are vying for in the market. , the result is this? 100,000 a month was bought?

  The lawyer couldn't hide the absurdity in his heart, and looked at Lin Mu with a look of hatred.

  Lin Mu was so stared at that he felt his heart pounding. He was afraid that he might offend the patron's father, so he tried to speak.

  "Well... the contract is signed, you will not breach the contract, and the agreement..."

  She raised her hand, made a familiar gesture, and rubbed her thumbs together with her index fingers.


  "Heh..." A chuckle came from the hidden headset, which made the lawyer's expression tremble. "Give her the money."

  The cold female voice succinctly issued orders, and the lawyer collected his thoughts and regained his former composure.

  "Of course, Miss Lin, happy cooperation."


  After coming out of the restaurant, Lin Mu went back to the rented house according to his memory. It was a dilapidated one-story house located in an urban village. It was a small single room with one living room and one bathroom. There was only room for a bed and a table.

  Although it was a different world, the familiar environment still gave her an inexplicable sense of belonging.

  Lin Mu threw himself on the bed, buried his head in the quilt, and let out two deep breaths.

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