81-100 [END]

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Chapter 81

  With a sobbing voice, she finally regained Lin Mu's sanity a little. She stopped and looked up in confusion.

  When his eyes fell on the tears on Su Mo's cheeks, he was startled suddenly, and his eyes full of passion were poured with cold water.


  She opened her mouth lazily, vaguely feeling that she had done something wrong, and her rationality began to come online, pulling her instincts together.

  The familiar sweetness is close at hand, and you can taste it as much as you want if you just lower your head, but there is a flash of struggle on Lin Mu's face, and he shakes his head in a daze.

  "No, you are not Su Mo..."

  Tears wet the pillow, and Su Mo's heart was filled with despair. He thought he was going to be forcibly marked by Lin Mu, but the next moment, a strong force struck.


  Su Mo was kicked off the bed mercilessly, tears were still hanging on her eyelashes, and her eyes were full of panic, only stunned at this moment.


  The instigator hugged the quilt with a look of disgust.

  That posture, like a gift opened with joy, turned into a fake.

  The damage is not high, but the insult is extremely strong!

  Su Mo was trembling with anger, and he didn't know where the strength came from, so he climbed up while supporting his limp body.

  "Please tell me clearly! What do you mean I am not Su Mo, what do you mean by a counterfeit!"

  Faced with Oga's questioning, alpha didn't respond at all, because Lin Mu had already rolled his eyes and fell back limply.

  Don't forget, she is still having a high fever at the moment. Although there is a wave of outbreaks due to the susceptible period, it is limited to this.

  Su Mo looked at Lin Mu's burning red face, and gritted his teeth resentfully.

  The swollen glands were still moist and cool, telling of the thrill just now.

  She should be thankful, glad that Lin Mu didn't bite down, but...

  Why do you feel so suffocated!

  An Oga can be kicked out of bed by an alpha in the susceptible period! Who will believe it!

  And what do those last two sentences mean? ?

  What do you mean she is not Su Mo?

  Su Mo had a complex expression and fell into deep self-doubt.



  The body is like being stuffed with a ball of fire, burning the internal organs, and even the exhaled breath is scorching hot.

  In this upsurge, a little bit of coolness began to emerge around the body, and the consciousness was briefly gathered together, leaving behind a few blurred fragments, but soon it gradually dissipated like a dream, and was completely emptied.

  After an unknown amount of time, the cold liquid flowed into the body, dispelling the high fever, and awakening the silent consciousness.

  Lin Mu let out a muffled cough and slowly opened his eyes.

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