Stupid Teacher

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Jenna and Mateo are I guess you could say enemies. They've hated each other ever since Mateo stole Jenna's favourite sparkly pink pencil when they were 8. They're now 16 so they haven't liked each other for a while. It's weird to think that they were friends before that.

Jenna is in her favourite class, English. When she's of the age she wants to be a romance book writer. Right now she's starting off small and practising on Wattpad and she's actually got some recognition from it, but back to the class. The only bad thing about English in her opinion is that Mateo's there. I guess she just wants some peace and quiet in her favourite lesson, which is understandable. I think she might be the only girl in school who wouldn't want Mateo in their classes. Mateo's only personality is being popular for his looks, that's it.

"Ok, since there's only about 5 minutes left to the lesson I'm gonna tell you about the homework." They're English teacher, Mrs. Gray says. "So I'm gonna put you in pairs and you have 1 week to write an oracy about any book of your choice. Ok so, Taylor and Brianna, Grace and Lacey, Simon and Ben." She says when finally she gets to Jenna's name. "Jenna and Mateo." She then finishes saying the names and says that it's time for dinner when both Jenna and Mateo storm up to her. "Ok, I know, I know that you two don't like each other but, please. Just try and work together." Mrs. Gray says knowing that they're not happy. "Fine!" Jenna says, about to walk out of the class room when Mateo stops her. "Since we're working together you're going to be coming over to my house after school. 5?" Mateo says towering over her with a curl at the corner of his mouth. "Fine, but can I at least pick the book?" Jenna says while trying to look somewhat nice. "I guess but try not to pick a romance book." He replies. Jenna's smile fades away as soon as those words left his mouth. "Ok fine it can be a romance book!" He yells, storming off.

It's now the end of school and Jenna is in her house trying to figure out what she's gonna wear. She finally decides on a Nike sports bra, Nike pro shorts, and a black plain hoodie with long Nike socks and high tops (converse). After changing she chucks her hair up into a messy bun and just reads a Wattpad book on her phone. A couple minutes before she's gonna leave she puts the stuff she needs in her bag including the book she chose which is, 'The Soulmate Equation' by Christian Lauren.

Jenna then finally arrives at Mateo's house and knocks on the door. The door opens to a shirtless Mateo with wet hair. Releasing it's Jenna he says in a panic "Shit, sorry, I completely forgot what the time was. Come in, come in, I'll just be two minutes." Jenna walks in his house and closes the door as he runs up the stairs. She just stands there not knowing what to do because she kinda forgot what his house looks like. After about two minutes he runs back down the stairs and apologises again. "Do you wanna come to my room and start?" He asks. "Yeah, sure." Jenna replies. They then both walk upstairs and to his room.

"Well, this is my room. I don't know if you remember it before but it has changed." He says while opening his arm to show his room. "Yeah, it has changed. Hasn't it" She chuckles to herself while looking into Mateo's eyes. Mateo melts inside at the side but catches himself before it became noticeable. "Well, what book did you choose?" He asks while walking away. Jenna reaches into her bag, pulls out the book, and shoves it in his face. " 'The Soulmate Equation'?" He asks, confused. "Yeah. It's good I swear." Jenna answers. "Mhm. I bet" "Oh shut up, only because you don't like romance books it doesn't mean they're all shit." Jenna says while starting to get angry. Mateo turns to Jenna "Well I didn't say that." He says in one tone. Jenna turns around while grabbing her head, chuckling in a shocked manner.

"Why do you hate me?" Mateo asks, kind of changing the subject. "You don't remember?" He shakes his head in response. "Well, when we were 8 you kind of stole my favourite sparkly pencil and never gave it back. That was my favourite pencil!" Silence... then Mateo starts to laugh. "That is so stupid." He says, still laughing. "Yeah I guess." Jenna adds while starting to laugh with him. "Let's start with the homework. Yeah?" Jenna says. "Yeah." He answers.

Then both of them started to work, Jenna first started by explaining the book and Mateo just wrote that down. "Can't we just use this as the oracy? It's good enough." Mateo asked, obviously not bothered if they do shit. "No! English is my favourite lesson. I'm not doing shit!" Jenna says clearly, getting annoyed. Mateo then lifts his finger and drags it over her lips while saying "Shh, we'll be fine." "You are so annoying." She then screams in his face. "You love me." He says while smirking. In response Jenna starts to open her mouth with a disgusted look on her face "Ew." "That's rude." He snaps in response. They both then start to laugh.

After they finally finish everything it's now quite late, 9:30. "Jenna, you know how it's like late?" "Yeah?" She answers, concerned. "Well I was thinking what if you l-like stay over?" Mateo asks while stuttering a bit. Jenna just stares at him when finally she says. "And why would you want me to stay over?" In a teasing way. "Forget it. Don't worry, you can go home." He says, embarrassed and annoyed. "No, I'll stay as long as it's ok with my mum." Jenna finally says. "Ok." He smiles.

Jenna messages her mum and then says, "Well you're in luck Matty. I can stay." In a very dramatic way. "Don't call me Matty ever again." Mateo replies to the name in a straight tone and face. "What It's cute." Jenna answers, teasingly. "Just don't say it in front of anyone." He says, still very straight toned. "Fine." She answers. "Um, Mateo, slight problem." Jenna says in a sweet tone. "What now?" Mateo answers in an annoyed yet concerned voice. "I don't have any pjs. Actually I'll just sleep in what I'm wearing." She says, wasting his time without meaning to. "You are so weird." He chuckles to himself.

It's now time to go to sleep. Mateo climbs into his bed and goes on his phone. "Where am I sleeping?" Jenna asks expecting that he's gonna say downstairs or something. "Right here." Mateo answers while patting the other side of his bed. "Oh." Jenna says, shocked at the words. She then walks over to the bed, sits down and goes on her phone. She slightly turns away from Mateo so then he doesn't see what she's reading on Wattpad. "What are you hiding?" Mateo says while leaning over to see the book, a very dirty book. "Oh, so that's what you read? Didn't know you were into shit like that." He chuckles. "Yep." She answers, very embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed." Mateo says while putting his phone on the side. "I'm gonna go to sleep, ok Jenna?" "Kk, goodnight Matty." "Goodnight Jen."

A couple minutes goes by and Jenna decides to go to sleep as well. So she puts her phone on the side and lies down, facing the opposite way to Mateo. She couldn't fall asleep for a while until she felt a pair of arms slither around her waist. She tenses up at the feeling. "Shh, It's ok, It's just me." Mateo says in a deep, calming voice. They b0th finally fall asleep in eachothers arms.

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