The Note

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The whole day Jenna and Mateo couldn't be separated, he even walked her to her lesson even though the outcome would be him being late.

Although, it's now the end of the school day. Jenna wanted to get something out of her locker. After about 10 minutes of being there Mateo runs up to her. "Are you ok?" She asks, chuckling at the fact that he's out of breath. "Yeah. By the way I had to ask so many people where you were." He says out of breath. "Why?" She asks. He just passes her a note. "Read it." He suggests. So she does.

The note:

Dear Jenna,

I would love it if you would come around my house to hang out around 4 today. If you can't or don't want to tell me now and give me the note back, if you're interested then continue reading. My reasoning behind this is I had a lot of fun with you today in school so to make it up to you about stealing that damn sparkly pencil, I will watch your favourite movie with a takeaway. On me of course. Please take up my offer.

From Mateo.
(and p.s I wrote this during my second lesson)

Jenna looks up from the note and stares into Mateo's eyes. "4;30." She says and walks away. "So that's a yes?" He screams. No answer. "Hello?" She just puts her thumb up to answer.

(For the rest of this chapter it's going to be following Mateo)

As she fades into the distance Mateo waits until he couldn't see her anymore. When there was no sight of her he jumped up in happiness, punching the air.

"Fuck, I'm so exited." He says to himself. "I need to find Asher." (Asher's his best friend). He runs to where Asher normally is, by his locker. He finally gets there when he sees Asher about to walk away. "Asher, wait!" Mateo screams down the hall. They finally get to each other. "I did it." Mateo says. "You did what?" Asher replies, confused. "She's coming over to my house." "No fucking way. You actually grew some balls." Asher says sarcastically. "Fuck up." Mateo says while hitting him on the arm. "Ow." "Well, I wanted to ask you something. Should I, you know, kiss her?" Mateo asks shyly. "I don't know, man. Do whatever feels right in the moment. You should get going anyway, get ready for Jenna." He replies, bored. "All right, I will. Wish me luck." Mateo smiles. "No. No, fucking way." Asher says coldly. Mateo chuckles at the answer and walks out of the school.

He walks the whole way home only thinking about one thing. Jenna.

He finally arrives home, runs straight upstairs and has a shower. When he got out of the shower he left his hair kinda wet because he knows that Jenna likes it that way. He picks a white t-shirt and gray joggers to wear.

After what felt like forever to Mateo the doorbell at his front door finally dings. He ran down the stairs as fast as he could. Before he opened the door he looked out of the window to check that it was her.

He finally opens the door and says "Well you're early." with a smirk to try and look cool. "Yeah I know but I didn't realise how quickly I got dressed and it was boring waiting so I just thought I'd come over early. I can leave and come back if you're doing something." She says, getting worried at the end. "No, no, it's fine. It's just 15 minutes." Mateo smiles. "Come in."

Mateo walks to his room as she follows.

"Sit on my bed. I'll be 2 seconds now." Mateo says as he leaves. He runs down the stairs and into his kitchen to grab popcorn, dairy milk chocolate, Dr.Pepper, and lots of sweets. He struggles to carry them but pushes through and takes them to his room.

"Oh my, do you need help there?" Jenna chuckles when she sees Mateo. She walks up to him and grabs some of the stuff off of him and they both put them on his bed. Jenna then turns to Mateo with a smile. "They're all of my favourites." She says. "Yes, and I thought we could watch 2 horrors and then a kids movie. Scream, Spree, and Tangled." He smiles knowing they're her favourite movies. "You really know me don't you?" She rhetorically asks. He shrugs his shoulders in response.

They then sit on his bed and watch the movies.

(Time skip)

They're now watching Tangled and it's the scene when Flynn and Rapunzel are in the boat. "I wish someone would look at me like that." Jenna refers to Flynn. "Maybe somebody does." Mateo answers knowing that he's been staring at her this whole time. She turns to face him and smiles. "Who?" She asks. "I don't know. Who do you think?" He teases. "Answer my question Mateo." She demands. Mateo then begins to lean into Jenna. He grabs her by her jaw and pulls her lightly in. Inches away he whispers "Fuck it." He smashes his lips against hers for about 30 seconds when they finally pull away. "Does that answer your question?"

(This will continue next chapter).

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