Chapter 8

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Adrianna POV.

At least I was able to do what I hadn't done in a while. Just don't call me psycho cause I am not. My clothes are fully covered by blood but I am not disgusted by seeing it cause I am already used to it. I got into my car and started driving to go back home. Ivy and I haven't been to the training center and I know that we need to go there before Victor starts sending goons to pick them up. He took care of us as his children and when we stayed for days without visiting the center, he got worried. I know that is stupid since we are grown-ups and can take care of ourselves. But that does not make him stop with him being overprotective. He claims that since we are part of the underworld, many people would be after us but because no one knows how the Poison looks his fear eases a little bit.

He is all we got. Even though he could not provide us with the best life in childhood, he did his best. Taking us to the parks, beaches, and holidays in other countries is one of them. All that matters is his love for us. Not the money, houses, and cars. All that is needed in a family is love and unity. The rest will make its way to us. Honestly, when he took us in, he wasn't rich. He was an average man but after he taught us how to fight and use guns and daggers and also hacking, he started earning from that since that meant more to him. We could all be assigned different missions. We earned through them. As much as he wanted us to go to school, we couldn't but now that I think about it, we were only fools. We could have gotten home-schooled or even studied online classes. I think I will talk to Ivy about that then we will decide whether to study or not.

I arrived home and I parked my car in the driveway. I guess that Ivy was still in there since all the cars and bikes were in the garage.

Walking into the house, Ivy was not in the living room since I decided to get a shower before talking to her. As I walked into the hallway, she came out of her office and halted to a stop when she saw me. She looked at my outfit and faked a gasp.

"Drama queen," I murmured but she had me.

"From what I sewed, you had missed that," she said.

"Torturing or killing?" I asked.

"Both. I meant going on missions," she corrected herself, making me nod my head in understanding.

"I am going to have a bath," I said as I walked away from her.

"Victor wants to see us, he says he has to inform us about something," she said.

"Okay?" I asked instead of saying it as a sentence.

"Wear something which you can easily practice on," she said.

"Got it, ma'am," I said and turned away.

When I arrived at my bedroom, I walked to the bathroom and got rid of the outfit I was wearing. Damn, I will usually miss it but I can buy another one.

I prepared a warm bath full of roses and later got in. I just need the water to soothe my body. I played my playlist and let my mind relax. I know I have been told that we are needed in the training center but they will have to wait for me. After thirty minutes of bathing, I decided to get out of the bathtub and start getting ready. I walked into my closet and chose a grey sweatpant and black crop sweater. I did my makeup but made it look easy and not exaggerated. I apply some butter lip gloss. After I had finished preparing myself, I took out some white sneakers and a grey handbag. I made sure that my phone and all the necessities were in the handbag before leaving the room.

I walked downstairs and met Ivy who had already gotten ready.

"What took you so long?" She asked.

"Getting the stupid blood out of my body. I have not even gotten a chance to burn those shitty clothes. Maybe I should go back and burn them before we go," I said.

"What? We are running late," she said.

"So you would prefer my room smelling some rotten blood into getting late?" I asked her.

"What? Aaargh. Fine. Go and do what you want but hurry up," she said and I took off immediately.

I honestly do not know how I forgot to burn those clothes. I am used to burning clothes before taking a bath. I walked into my washroom took the clothes that were on the floor and got out. I walked into the backyard with a lighter on my hands which I always carry since I smoke when bored. I placed them in a tin before lighting them. I watched the fire with a grin on my face. The fire color is always so hot and beautiful, I admire it and hope I can touch it but unfortunately, I can't. After making sure that we're all burnt, I wake back into the house.

"Who is driving?" I asked her.

"You of course," she answered.

I picked up my handbag and car keys and then walked out.

"Can't you just tell someone, let's go?" She asked irritatingly.

"Come on. Can't you figure it out on your own that it is time to leave?" I asked back, making her roll her eyes.

"You are never serious!" She whispered.

"Ooh, trust me, I am!" I whispered back.

I chose black audio and we got in. She decided to sit in the front with me. I know that she is sitting here with a purpose, to make sure she listens to the songs she wants but not those I want. We don't have the same song genre but that doesn't mean that I don't know most of the songs she loves. Living with a person nearly turns you to be like them.

1044 words.

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