17.I saw them...again

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I woke and the pain was more bearable than last night, so starting the day of well but then I looked around and remembered the mess someone made. I got out of bed, got dressed and ignored the pages that were everywhere. I went to the bus stop, got on the bus and went to school but unfortunately my luck of ignoring the problem ran out as when I got to school, I got to class and when I opened my schoolbag the only thing in my bag was a bunch of those fuckin pages. No school books, no note books, no pencil-case, fuckin nothing I needed. I had to go to the school office and ask to be signed out and it took forever. After like five years give or take I got to go home but I was locked out. Nothing was on my side, clearly. I had to break into my own house and oh my fuck they were everywhere, those pages were all over the house now.

I cleaned up all the pages at the door hearing nothing but snickering from my head and feeling nothing but dread. It was going to take me hours to clean up the whole house and I needed to clean the house before everyone else got home so there really was no time to rest. It was horrible, I had to stuff all of them in my room, that might I add I hadn't cleaned yet. I barely finished before my mom got home, I had to hide in my room but she knew someone was there because I didn't lock the dam door. So I got a mean yelling to but it's fine. I was in my room while she was yelling so while she was yelling at me for not looking the door all I could see was slender notes. When she finished I got back to cleaning and putting everything into pills. Taking all the ones from my room and putting them into the one big pile took and hours and it took even longer to put everything into piles.

Finding somewhere to put them was difficult but I decided to shove them under my bed. I then layed on my bed and took a few deep breaths "I just wasted a tone of time cleaning a mess that wasn't mine." The day was close to over and I didn't do anything to try help my situation. Ryan came home busting through the door Jane came close behind him, they were mad about something or someone. Ryan went for his shower with a fuss and Jane stormed into her room. Not that long later our dad got off work early and came home, drunk, our mom drove him home. Instead of intervening and trying to dessicated the situation with the twins our mom ignored it, as did our dad.

Dinner wasn't made last night, we all just went to sleep hungry. Everyone was pissy the next morning and no one was speaking to each other. We all got dressed for the day then left. Twins got dropped to school, I went to the bus stop and what do you know that red tie was still there and someone else was at the bus. His head was hung low and I couldn't see there face, they had long black hair and they were wearing a white hoodie. Nothing seemed enherintly wrong but a little off purely because he seemed a little familiar and that hasn't been going well recently. I sat right by the tie and waited for the bus to pull up. As we waited for the bus I tried to take a look at his face but to no avail. The bus got there quite.

By coincidence we were getting on the same bus and sat in the same place just different sides of the bus. I could see his reflection in the window, he was wearing a black mask and had extremely light blue eyes and really dark circles around his eyes, it also didn't look like he blink ones throughout the bus ride. I got of a little further away from my school because I didn't know if it would stop at my school, he also got of. I tried to tell myself he wasn't following me and that the voices were just making me paranoid but the closer I got to my school the less I was convincing myself. I ended up running into my school and thankfully he didn't follow me in but he stood to the side watching everybody go into school. He felt menacing.

I was just sitting in one of my classes and I looked out the window, as you do but instead of seeing nothing I saw him the man from the bus stop. He was standing in eyes view looking at me, he stood still for a short little bit. After we locked eyes and stayed still he moved his arm, he was taking off his mask. I then froze in fear as I saw a big smile cut into his face, Jeff the killer. One of Slendermans most known proxy's and arguably his most known proxy. I watched in horror as he took out his blood stained knife and walked right into my school.
As soon as I saw that I went to tell the teacher but the bell rang, so not only is a serial killer lose in the school but a bunch of students will be even closer to him. "This is really bad, what do I do?" I said to myself, I knew in reality there was nothing I could do. Everyone in this school is in the same position I was in, they don't think Slenderman or his proxy's exist. They all believe the stories and sightings are fake and some might be but the people in them are real.

So there's nothing I can do, I'm just gonna avoid him or try to avoid him I probably won't have much look. I was the last one to leave the classroom and I tried to get to my next classroom but when I got there it was locked at first but upon trying it a second time it unlocked. I immediately closed the boor before going to get to my seat. Little did I know a whole bunch of proxy's were sitting in the classroom. They were just sat there like they were waiting for a teacher to show up, funny enough Jeff wasn't there. After a few seconds of shock I tried to silently leave but I hear some quite snickers from across the room. I tried to run but I fell into the typical horror movie trope and I fell. I picked myself up and just ran to the cafeteria, it was flooded with children and sounded horrible. I hate it but I think it's the safest option.

I stook by teachers and other students until the bell rang. I found some kids that were in my class and went to class with them. When we got to the classroom they were gone but they left a knife on each seat. When the substitute teacher came in she taught it was a prank that we as the class were pulling, we didn't help our class considering we all started to laugh or giggle at the thought. When the principal came in he took all the knives and gave a lecture that lasted half the class. The rest of the class was boring and we were just watching something the sub put on the screen. After class I had calmed down and was trying to forget about what I saw but there was a strange feeling in my stomach, where was Jeff? He wasn't in the classroom so was he still in the school somewhere.

Home time came and everyone left but I felt strange while going to the bus stop, Jeff was there so were a few others. I decided to stand beside the bus stop and tried ignoring everything but my brain had another idea. The voices were getting really loud and annoying. The bus drove right past us so I needed to find another way home, I needed to walk there. I heard them behind me, following me home but I didn't care. They already knew where I lived so they were probably just heading to the forest beside my house. I went to my front door and ran upstairs not bothering to lock the door because my mom was there but she only closed it over. I went to my room and thank god my room wasn't a mess, the pages were still under my bed.

I studied and did my homework and just as I finished my work I heard a tapping on my window. I looked but no one was there. I looked away and the tapping came back, I looked at the window and there wasn't even a shadow. Still, I got curious and climbed up and looked out my bedroom window. I looked at the forest immediately but no one was there, as far as I could see at least. Just as I was going to go back down I heard some noise on my roof when I looked to my side I clearly saw Ticci Toby but before I could say anything he jumped down. My eyes followed him down, he joined his friends at the bottom of the forest, just where I couldn't see or hear anything. The voices tried to tell me to go into the forest but I didn't want to. I just went to bed instead, listening to the voices rave about fire, the voices, the pages and obviously murder.

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