Jungkook (part 1)

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I've never been good at anything in my life. My studies were always bad no matter how hard I worked, while on the other hand, my brother was this genius who constantly scored distinctions in all subject. He was the pride of my family while I was the disappointment.

For the sixth time since I last did well, I have failed yet once again. My friends mocked me and thought I would never pass my college entrance exam this year. My parents were too disappointed to even look at me or the result slip which they had to sign on.

"Jungmin, sign the report book instead."

With that, I grabbed my favourite hoodie and left the house.

No one had ever supported me. I constantly disappointed people. I hated exams. I hated studying for the sake of studying. School makes me feel so suffocated. And I swore I won't be like those who bury themselves in piles of books and papers,who spend most of their time going for supplementary classes or give up the things they like.

Doing badly meant two things- humiliation and self-degradation.

I've had enough,I want freedom.

It was bad enough having to suffer all these.


It has been four hours since I've left house and I was starving. However,my pocket only contained a crisp five dollar note and few coins. As I was walking along the street,I stopped by a convenience store. I grabbed a cup noodle off the shelf,handed the cashier the only note I had and then proceeded to cook it. It was almost 10 by now and the people on the streets had lessen.

When it was cooked enough I inhaled the ramen. Finishing the last bit of the ramen, I put my hood over and left.

As I traced my footsteps,many thoughts ran through my mind. I kept walking until I knocked into someone. Although I did not look up,I could feel their stare piercing me however, I ignored and it and walked past them,knocking into them before I manage to get pass them.


Ignore it jungkook.


I was pulled back and grabbed by the neck.

"YOU DO NOT BE RUDE." His spit splattering all over.

Hah. A smirk forming over my face.

And the next thing I knew,a fist flew into my face.

"You do not want to mess around."

As I forcefully pushed his hand away from my neck,a punch was thrown again. This time, at my stomach.

It was going to be hell.

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