"To fear love is to fear life..."

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"...and those who fear life are already three parts dead."

--Bertrand Russell

Note: Just a head's up, I may be taking liberties with depicting how Spin is used in this chapter. I have no idea if what Johnny does here is actually something that could be done with Spin. I only have the shakiest of understandings of Spin and how it works. No matter how many times Gyro explains it in the manga, my brain is just like, "Huh?" Honestly, Hamon is far easier of a concept for me to grasp. Yeah, sunlight power channeled through the blood, or other liquids, to literally punch vampires and zombies into dust. Got it. Simple. Spin is just... I don't know... the ball spins and stuff happens, I guess? Also it can break dimensional barriers. Cool, but also, "Huh?" And be wary that Johnny gets very abusive in this chapter, so be prepared for that and don't say I didn't warn you.

It had been hours since the incident with the map. You were still in a state of shock. Your brain had completely shut down and now you found yourself tied up, gagged, and lying on the floor with your head in Johnny's lap. You couldn't fathom it. Moments ago Johnny seemed ready to kill you, especially when he used Tusk to tie you up. You were certain that you were about to go through your last moments on Earth, but now Johnny was petting your head and softly speaking to you in a soothing manner. You couldn't really focus on what he was saying because your mind was still reeling over what happened.

"I didn't want to have to tie you up." He was saying. "But you were ready to run off like a scared rabbit and I couldn't let you do that."

He looked down at you when you didn't respond (not that you really could). You didn't meet his gaze. You just stared ahead at the collection of antlers on the wall. Johnny sighed and kept talking.

"I don't want to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you... but I can't let you leave." He said. His voice took on a tired, gloomy tone.

"It's just not safe anymore. Valentine's still after us. Like I said, I don't give a damn about the race anymore. This is about survival now. I'm not letting you end up like Gyro. You're all I've got left. If you go off on your own, Valentine's goons will find you. They'll use you to get to me. I can't let them do that. So you gotta stay with me. It's the only way for you to stay safe."

He shuffled on the floor, moving you to lay your head on the ground. He must have gotten Tusk to carry you because you suddenly found yourself floating in mid-air. Johnny dragged himself to his sleeping bag and lay down. You were placed down on your sleeping bag next to him. He wrapped his arms around your bound form and pulled you closer to him. He closed his eyes and relaxed next to you while you stared into the darkness, still unable to fathom the madness of what was happening to you.

"Let's just go to sleep." Johnny whispered into your hair as he nuzzled into the back of your head. "It's probably not very comfortable, you being' tied up like that, but I don't trust you to not sneak out while I'm asleep. In the morning, I'll untie you, but only if you behave. Step out of line again and... well... just don't step out of line."

Johnny didn't say anything else after that, but the unsaid threat still hung in the air. After a while, you could hear Johnny's breathing slow down and his hold on you relaxed, but only a little. You lay there listening to his breathing. It was the only sound you could hear other than the sound of crickets chirping outside and the occasional gust of wind blowing up against the shack. You locked eyes with the wolf head on the wall. In spite of its eyes being made of glass, it seemed to glare down at you balefully. It looked far too alive for your liking. You've seen taxidermy animals before, but never did any of them have expressions that could match the viciousness of that wolf head. Whatever taxidermists worked on it must've been some kind of genius, but there was such a thing as being too good at one's job. You closed your eyes, not wanting to look at it anymore. You were dead tired, but there was no way that you were going to sleep anytime soon.

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