"If you poison us, do we not die?"

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**Note: All I have to say here is strap in, Reader. This is a doozy of a chapter. Johnny's getting worse... but so are you. Take note of my tags for this story before you delve into this chapter unprepared. Please remember that this is a horror story, not a cutesy romance. Sorry this one took forever to get out.**

You were trying.

Lord, you were trying.

Just trying to stay sane was becoming your greatest challenge. Each day, the oppressive atmosphere of the shack and the surrounding area became increasingly harder to deal with. You were almost constantly seeing and hearing strange things that Johnny either didn't notice, or he was pretending he didn't. Johnny himself was another challenge. If anything, you might have been able to handle the abnormal happenings at the shack if not for Johnny. His mental stability seemed to be constantly teetering on the edge of sanity and insanity. It wasn't just limited to mood swings anymore. Most days it was impossible to have a normal conversation with him at all. He would talk to you as if you and he had been long-time sweethearts and fully expected you to play along. Trying to break his delusions only brought you pain: physical, emotional, and especially mental.

Then there was the flip side to Johnny's mania. On days when Johnny wasn't giving into his delusions, he was often quiet but tense. On those days, Johnny replaced being delusional with being paranoid. If you were out of his line of sight for even a moment he would have a full on breakdown. He would demand to know where you went and what you were doing while he didn't have his eyes on you. He would even go so far as to demand to know who you were with, as if he thought someone else, besides the two of you, was living on that dreaded patch of land. On those days he'd stick to you even closer than he usually did, not even letting you go to the outhouse without him. At the very least he'd wait outside until you were done. Though when it was him that needed to go to the outhouse, he would lock you in the house until he was done. He didn't even trust that the Spin barrier he'd surrounded the shack with would be enough to keep you from running away.

Finally there were those oh so special days when Johnny decided to be completely unpredictable. Those days didn't come around as often as the other two, but they probably left the greatest impact. One those rare days you never knew what Johnny was going to get up to.

On one such day, you found Johnny in the front yard staring down at something he held in his hand. He'd been like that for almost an hour before you gathered up the courage to go out and see what derangement he was up to this time. You cautiously strolled up to him and stood alongside him. In his palm was a little field mouse. It was frozen in fear; its beady black eyes were wide and stared straight ahead in terror. Aside from its labored breathing it didn't move at all. It didn't even dare to tremble in his hold.

"Johnny?" You asked. "What are you doing?"

Johnny's head jerked up to look at you. The expression on his face caused a chill to shoot up your spine. Your heart clinched so tightly it actually hurt. His eyes were wide, glistening with some emotion you weren't sure humans were supposed to have. There was a slight, crooked smile on his lips.

"I found a little mouse." he announced to you.

His tone was like that of a child bragging about some small feat to his mother.

"Y-yes. I-I can see that." you stammered nervously.

"Found it out on the path leading up to the house. It was scared of me when I picked it up. Bit me once before I brought it across the barrier. It just froze up like this when I brought it over on this side."

Here Johnny got a sad expression on his face. He turned away from you to look back down at the mouse.

"I was going to keep it for a pet but... it hates this place... just like you. It hates me, too... just like..." he trailed off, closing his fingers around the tiny rodent.

Kinder Than Love (Yandere Johnny Joestar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now