"That cold ain't the weather. That's death approaching."

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It had been weeks since you and Johnny had started staying at the hunting shack... and you were still there. Johnny didn't seem to show any signs that he planned to leave the shack any time soon. If anything, he seemed more interested in moving fully into the horrid place. You and Johnny (well, you and Tusk mostly) spent most days breaking up and tossing out old furniture. The unused bedroom was now empty. The old, broken bed was chucked outside with the rest of the unwanted furniture. There was an old dresser, too. I had been filled with someone's clothes. The clothing was so old that it was barely more than tattered and faded bits of cloth. Seeing them put worrisome thoughts in your head. The owner of this place seemed so ready to abandon it that they hadn't even bothered to pack anything. Your mind started to wonder what could have happened here to cause someone to just up and leave without even bringing their clothes with them.

Once all the unusable furniture had been taken out, Johnny piled it all up and used the shredded clothing as kindling. He made a bonfire in the middle of the front yard. Then the two of you sat in front of it and watched it burn. Neither of you said anything. You both just stared into the flames and pretended that nothing had changed. You both were still taking part in the race and Gyro had just wandered off to pee or something. He'd be back any moment now to annoy you both with his antics. Johnny seemed to be doing a far better job of living in the momentary delusion than you were. You tried to think of your last few good memories with Gyro before he was killed, but your mind kept going back to the moldering face of your old friend in the darkness of the pantry. When Johnny shoved you in there, something happened. You don't know exactly what. Either you found yourself peering into a strange nightmare realm where the corpse of your dead friend tried to make a corpse of you, or your mind had snapped. Neither option was very appealing. You were leaning towards the latter choice, considering that you thought that a pantry being a portal to a nightmare realm was a silly idea.

But if your mind had truly snapped, what then? Perhaps losing Gyro and being subjected to Johnny's madness had caused you to lose it yourself? What could you do about it? You'd been doubting your own sanity ever since the pantry incident and what you saw in the pantry had been the only time something like that had happened, you could easily pass it off as a one off case of insanity brought on by the stress of realizing your best friend (and former crush) had developed a twisted attachment to you and kept going back and forth between wanting to kiss you and wanting to kill you. But... (There's always a "but", isn't there?) you were still having hallucinations.

Off and on throughout the time that you've been staying at the shack with Johnny, you've been seeing and hearing strange things. Once you witnessed a flock of birds fly towards the shack, and while that in and of itself is perfectly normal, the fact that the birds split up their formation and flew around the entire blasted piece of land that the shack sat upon was not normal at all. It was like they were actively avoiding even flying over the place. You thought at first that it could have been due to the barrier that Johnny set up around the place, but the birds had started breaking their flight path well before they reached the barrier. In fact, they started veering off course at the border of the property... where the still green and living trees began to give way to the gray, dried up skeletons of dead trees. The more you thought about it the more you realized that the barrier wouldn't have affected them anyway. As long as they were flying and didn't touch it, it posed no threat to them. So it was the place that they were avoiding, but why?

Another time, while you and Johnny were "renovating" the shack, you decided that you wanted to get rid of those trophies on the wall, especially that horrible wolf head. Johnny was outside, using Tusk to break down the old bed, so you could take the opportunity to enjoy a little time away from him. Carefully, you climbed onto the dusty old sofa. The moment you looked at the wolf head, though, you started to feel cold all over. Your body froze. You could barely even breathe. It almost felt like you were standing before an actual living predator, but of course, that wasn't the case. It was long dead, reduced to nothing but a preserved head on a wall. You weren't in any danger at all. Steeling yourself against your illogical fears, you reached out and snatched the head from the wall. You turned it around in your hands to look into its snarling face. You shook off the chill that looking at it gave you.

Kinder Than Love (Yandere Johnny Joestar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now