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NOTE: So this epilogue was made for those of you who may have been curious as to just what was going on with the hunting shack. While I will never disclose exactly what was going on (mostly because I wanted to focus on you and Johnny... and I like being vague), this chapter should offer a little bit of lore for those of you who wanted that. It was partly inspired by Lovecraft and partly inspired by Evil Dead 2. Anything not expressly disclosed is up for the reader's interpretation.

"FORMER PRESIDENT FUNNY VALENTINE DIES IN PRIVATE SANITARIUM" screamed the headline of the newspaper that Flo was reading. She scanned the article further, skimming over it until she got to a part that had her eyebrows raising.

"The former president's condition left his doctors baffled as he would have frequent outbursts of paranoia claiming that the ghost of famed jockey, Diego Brando would torment him every night. (Brando was one of the many unfortunate racers that passed away during the controversial Steel Ball Run race.) Valentine's body was found in the sanitarium's courtyard Monday morning. The cause of death was apparently loss of blood due to severe lacerations. It has not yet been determined if his injuries were due to an animal attack or self-inflicted in a fit of mania. His doctors are unsure as to how he managed to escape his room..."

Flo took another gulp of her beer and sighed impatiently. She folded the paper and tossed it aside, no longer interested in the fate of the former President, not that she really was to begin with. She was only passing time until her "business partner" arrived.

"Where is that useless sack of shit?" she muttered under her breath.

As if summoned, Eddie stumbled through the door, looking as nervous and suspicious as a man could possibly look. She rolled her eyes at the sight of him. He cast an unsure glance around the saloon as if afraid a lawman would suddenly spring at him from out of the crowd. Satisfied that it was safe, he crossed the room and sat down in the chair across from Flo. He turned and opened his mouth, ready to offer an excuse for his lateness but all that he managed was a startled yelp when he felt the tip of Flo's boot slam into his shin.

"What was that for?" he asked, rubbing his sore leg and having the gall to look confused.

"The hell do you think it was for?!" Flo spat. "I don't give a damn what your excuse is, when I tell you to be somewhere at a certain time, you'd better be there at the time I say!"

Eddie winced at her tone, glancing around to see if anyone was listening in on them.

"And stop actin' all shifty!" she hissed. "You're gonna make people suspicious..."

"Sorry." Eddie whispered and stared at the table for a moment before looking back up at Flo. "So what's this about?"

Flo didn't waste any time explaining, "We're goin' up to ol' Savoy Brown's place."

Eddie just sat there in quiet shock before he realized that she was serious, then his face paled and his eyes grew wide in horror.

"No." he said, quietly at first but then he offered her another, more firm denial. "No! Absolutely not! You won't catch me up there, not after what people have been sayin'..."

Flo sneered at him.

"I don't give a damn what people have been sayin'!" she snapped, temper beginning to flare. "I got a hunch that there's something up there worth takin' and you an' me are goin' up there to take it! Understand?"

Eddie was barely listening to her.

"But Flo," he said, "Thin Lizzy said that Mr. Brown told her that there was somethin' wrong with that place!"

"Like what?" Flo said with a roll of her eyes. She knew right away where this was going. Eddie was ridiculously gullible and even more ridiculously superstitious.

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