Chapter 4

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Ashe walked over to me, her shoulder was now bandaged.

Ashe: What did you two talk about?

Y/N: Nothing special. Cole told me he'll kill me if I try something "funny".

Ashe: Yeah, that sounds like him...and yes, he'll absolutely kill you if you try something.

Y/N: Like he could.

Ashe: He almost shot you a few minutes ago, did you forget?

Y/N: He surprised me from behind.

Ashe: Get used to it.

Y/N: And I was outnumbered.

Ashe: Since when is that a problem? As far as I know you've been outnumbered in almost every mission you were in.

Y/N: You know quite a lot about me, don't you?

Ashe: I have to know who you are before letting you into our gang.

Y/N: Do you really know who I am though?

Ashe: I do.

Y/N: I doubt that.

Ashe: Are you trying to threaten me? That's cute. Y'know, I used to be scared of you, I admit that. But you're not the man you were twenty years ago, are you?

Y/N: I'm the exact same man, with even more experience.

Ashe: And a broken knee.

Y/N: That didn't stop me from destroying your robot, did it? What was his name...Bob?

Her face changed from amused to angry.

Ashe: Careful Slinger, thin ice.

Y/N: I noticed. What's so special about that robot anyway?

Ashe: Well, he was one of a kind. A valuable member of our gang.

Y/N: Weird that you consider a robot to be a member of your gang, but alright.

Ashe: Nothing weird about it, he was better than most men I ever worked with.

Y/N: How's that?

Ashe: He was always quiet, no senseless talk.

Y/N: An obedient servant, in other words.

Ashe: No, it's not like that. I don't need brainless zombies that follow me wherever I go and do whatever I tell them.

Y/N: Who do you need then?

Ashe: A partner that can back me up if things go south.

Y/N: You got plenty of those.

Ashe: I don't have a single one.

Y/N: What about Cole and pretty much all the other gang members?

Ashe: Things aren't going too great lately.

Y/N: Let me guess. He wants to be the leader.

Ashe: What? No- I mean...yeah...wait how do you even know? Did he tell you?

Y/N: No, but he pretty much acts as if he's the leader of the gang.

Ashe: Yeah...that's not even the worst part. There's a rumour about him...

Y/N: Yes?

Ashe: Not sure if I should tell you or not...fuck it. People say he's working with Talon's Forces behind our backs.

Y/N: Who's that supposed to be?

Ashe: You don't know?

Y/N: Am I supposed to know them?

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