Chapter Kozukai -3rd pov-

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On a remote island off the west coast of the Royal Wolf land, a mysterious stranger sits alone in his massive study. He is the last of his kind, and has been dedicating his immortal life to research. He keeps no company regularly, his interactions normally limited to an assistant.
The boy is a result of his research, a dragon embryo fused with Lycan genetics. Jeremy is one of the few creations to retain higher levels of intelligence. He is nearly 118 years old now, still a mere child amongst his race.
The Lycan who created him became found of the boys intelligence. The only one of his failed attempts that isn't all that worthless. Jeremy is happy though, he and the others who don't necessarily meet expectations aren't mistreated.
Kozukai has long since lost himself in studies and pays little mind to the details of everyday life. Jeremy was the first child in a long time to have any type of promise. Thus ended the Kozukai's complete isolation, Jeremy became a friend of sorts to the last Lycan.
Tonight is different though, Jeremy has some exciting information from his travels across the werewolf continent. Something new is brewing on the horizon for his Lord for the first time in over 100 years.
"*He should actually be on his way in already..*" Kozukai sits incredibly still, his patience wearing thin.
"Good evening Lord Kozukai." Jeremy's deep voice rings in front of Kozukai, pulling him from his thoughts.
"Glad to see you have returned safely." He smiles warmly as Jeremy enters the study, "Was the flight well?"
"It was alright my Lord, it felt good to stretch my wings." Jeremy chuckles lightly and takes a seat across from the Lycan.
"As a Dragon Kin, you should stretch your wings more." The man rolls his eyes and shuffles notes away into the desk drawer.
"You jest too much my Lord." Jeremy's presence shifts taking on a more serious tone, "Sir. I have returned with good news. While exploring the land to the East, I came across an incredible female werewolf."
"There are always amazing werewolves and all have proven unsatisfactory..... Perhaps I need a hybrid of stronger species first, then take the child of it and use.." Kozukai rubs temple getting lost in thoughts.
"Sir, with the genetic combinations showing worse-"
"Jeremy, you are a bright boy but extremely dense at times. Many things can contribute to the failure of molecules bonding on such a cellular level. That's not the issue! Maintaining it's growth is!" The Lycan lashes out unexpectedly.
Normally he is in better control, "Sorry Jeremy. Nothing has gone right since that night."
"My Lord it was my failure that allowed the she-wolf too-"
"No Jeremy it wasn't. I was to soft with the female and that is why she died. I didn't think she would try to run beyond the protective border." The Lycan sigh's deeply, his failed creations run amuck along the island's coastal edges.
The water that surrounds the island harsh and treacherous. It keeps the failures trapped and wayward explores from venturing close. The Lycan was actually born on this Island, all of his kind were. Even the werewolves of today are distant decedents.
His brother and him use to rule over the Lycans here together for awhile in coexistence. Then a vengeful war broke out and created a divide. Now the birth land is filled with mindless beast, some wolves and some are mere monsters.
Kozukai's failed attempts at recreating Lycans. He built a massive compound for this reason and fenced all the failures out along the boarders.
Wolves and powerful begins he deem worthy of being involved in his studies are housed in the sanctuary sections. The inner compound though is his alone, there he keeps his and newest experiments. Kozukai has a special unit of Vampires to patrol and protect the different areas of the massive compound.
"Lord?" Jeremy speaks, pulling the man back to reality.
"Speak of this female if you are sure she is worthy of the effort." Kozukai motions Jeremy with his hand to proceed.
"Of course Sir. She resides in the Eastern side of the neighboring continent, in what the local wolves call Rogue Lands." Jeremy takes a breath and continues, "There wolves form groups, the sizes vary. One settlement is lead by a wolf who goes by Raku and he has an undefeatable female fighter. She goes by Ryo and is an extremely large black wolf with crimson eyes."
"Tell me everything." The Lycan grins widely, intrigued now.
Red eyes are rare for any race of creature to have in this world. Kozukai listens silently as Jeremy proceeds to tell him all the information he gathered on Ryo. Not wanting to waste time Kozukai prepares to leave the moment Jeremy is done.
"I want to see this Ryo for myself." The Lycan stands, immediately walking out of his private study.
Jeremy follows closely behind as the Lycan heads for the inner garden. It is one of his favorite places in the compound, he grows all herbs needed for his studies. Walking to the center, Kozukai motions Jeremy forward.
The boy smiles excitedly, it is a rare occurrence for the Lycan to leave the Island. Jeremy shifts, his human form evaporating. Without delay, the Lycan climbs onto the Frost Dragon. Jeremy's body is smaller compared to his mother's kind, no trace of his Lycan blood is present sadly.
With his massive 20 foot wingspan, they lift off with fluidity. Minutes ticked by above the clouds before he tilts his head downwards. Kozukai taps a heel into the dragon's side as a response, approving his request to land.
Jeremy descends along a mountain, nearly in the center of this content. The view is astounding, the peak dipped in snow and it trails downwards. Mixing into the trees before disappearing as we land.
"I should put a mountain on the Island, have it look just like this." Kozukai admires it a bit longer as Jeremy shifts.
"Sir. Give the order-"
"Focus Jeremy." He chuckles cutting the boy off.
"Lord Kozukai if you would follow me." He bows slightly and begins walking east.
Kozukai follows him mindlessly, he is too inthralled with this splendor. Kozukai had forgotten what the outside world looks like. He can not even remember why he stopped traveling.
"*Is it because my travels always land in disappointment? There isn't anything out here for me anyway.*" He sighs deeply and stops walking, a putrid smell growing strong.
"Lord, we are here." Jeremy points to a little warehouse sitting just beyond the tree lines.
There are a few poorly made buildings clustered around it, the warehouse centered in the piss poor town. They watch as a few wolves walk around, some of them heading for the fighting arena.
"Jeremy return to the coast and remain hidden there." Kozukai turns and sprints for the arena, walking into the building before he finished exhaling.
The Lycan takes a stance near her entrance, something telling him she is coming out. Kozukai silently stares in awe as Ryo takes charge instantly. The massive black wolf comes darting out and before the wolf could react, Ryo takes it's life. Her movements are so swift and primal that he feels impressed.
For the first time in ages Kozukai feels a spark of excitement begin to grow. Captived, he keeps watching her fights for many nights. He stays hidden, easily able to conceal himself amongst the active wolves.
"*I must admit Jeremy absolutely spoke the truth about this female.*"
Days now have passed in s blurr since the Lycan has seen the black beast of the pit. He has been unable to act all this time, just frozen admiring how nearly perfect of a wolf Ryo is. Kozukai readies for tonight's fight as he has done for so many others. He stands in the back corner, waiting eagerly to learn more about her nature.
Ryo's fights are always different and her skills seem to improve with each encounter. This night is unquie though, Ryo seems different in this match.
Kozukai can't help but notice her moves and she is definitely off. He has never seen her this way, almost distracted. With his attention so focused, he hears her speak for the first time.
"So much anger now." The she-wolf laughs darkly, "Your rage makes you predictable.. Let your rage carry you into death."
"*A wolf able to speak in wolf form! I have decided, I MUST have her.*" Her words barely audible but he still hears them. Not able to contain himself at her statement he laughs earnestly.
"*I haven't laughed in I don't know how long, so many things I haven't felt in centuries stir because of this female.*" Kozukai wipes a tear from his eye, and stares on as she shakes her head after again.
Kozukai wonders if she was actually able to hear his laugh over all the noise. Soon another wolf rushes in and bites Ryo. In that split second, her reaction brings him great pleasure.
"*I must return to the Island and prepare for her arrival.*"
He turns swiftly, leaving the fithly establishment behind. He is so very pleased that Jeremy's hunt was successful this time.
Kozukai leaves the wolves fighting territory hastily, heading west for the coast. Jeremy already shifted into his blue dragon, he climbs atop and they set out for home.
"Lord Kozukai is she worthy?" His voice hopeful for the Lycan.
"Yes Jeremy, she is indeed very worthy." He grins and claps his hands excitedly, "We have much work to do!"
"Is she the lost child?"
"Ryo holds many mysteries. " The Lycan growls lowly, unable to maintain his composer.
If that is indeed the lost child then it's all the better he gets her home as soon as possible. Kozukai captured the mother, taking her from a remote mountain pack in the northern frost continent.
She was a large dark brown wolf who could speak in her true form as well. The female had many pups when she came here but none of them ever lasted past the shift. Ryo would be the only successful embryo to adapt and mature the Lycan DNA.
Her mother was the last of the female werewolves who were as close Lycan like that Kozukai could ever locate. He has tried to remove the human DNA code from a werewolf child and it failed. He has tried to merge the Lycan genome before removing the human and the end result was death.. Elves, Dragons, Humans, Vampires, Wolves.. There isn't much left to for him to try.
Kozukai has even decreased the amount of Lycan DNA introduced and still failures. He pulled the extra spirits out but could never get the hybrid pups to retain any sainty. The mother gave her life getting her last child off the Island as she couldn't bare it anymore.
"*From what the wolves there talked of, Ryo was found by another group of wolves. She has been fighting since the day she was found. I wonder if it was the environment that aided to her successful adoption of the Lycan blood. I really need Ryo in my lab so I can understand. Maybe even recreate the process..*" He leaves his thoughts and asks his question openly, "The real question is Jeremy, is she a Lycan or a werewolf?"
Not expecting the boy to answer him as Kozukai continues to speak his thoughts aloud.
"How did my genetics effect her core makeup? Did the Lycan blood swallow up both human/werewolf. Is she pure bred Lycan or a meek wolf of her late ancestors?" The Lycan groans as he ends up having more questions.
Kozukai puts together a team and takes them out behind his lab. There they begin construction for a nature enclosure. The Lycan coming to the conclusion that this would best suit the female wolf.

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