Epilogue: The Wedding

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Weddings are important because they celebrate life and possibility.

-Anne Hathaway

Leila Fiorenza's POV

This day had finally come. It's been exactly six weeks since Leandro planned the surprise proposal back in Sicily. Every time I remembered it, I still couldn't believe that this man could be romantic when he wants to.

I slowly walked down the aisle with my father in the small chapel located at Castillo de Joya—the same chapel where Leandro was christened years ago. The distance between the chapel doors through the altar was just short yet for me, it was a mile long. Who could blame me when our families and friends' eyes were on me?

"You look like you are about to pass out, my daughter," Patri whispered to me, as we through the aisle. "I already told the two of you to postpone the wedding you are still recuperating."

I rolled my eyes. "I want to have this ceremony now, Patri. Besides, I'm just worried about you now since you're all alone in our home. Laila is now living with Nikos in New York while I will be permanently staying here in Spain."

Father gently tapped my hand that was rested in his arms. "Don't worry about me, Leila. I can take good care of myself. Besides, I have an army of servants who will look after me."

"Why don't you just remarry?" I asked mischievously. "So you will not feel lonely in that huge manor. It's a good idea since there will not be an awkward moment if you get some action with her. Laila and I were not living there anymore."

"Impudent child!" Cesare chided softly, but I couldn't miss the way my father's face stain with color. "I don't wish to marry another woman. I vowed that I will only love your mother until I die."

I couldn't help but laugh. The handsome man patiently waiting at me at the altar raised an eyebrow in my direction probably wondering what amused me. "Still, if you change your mind I will gladly help you in searching for your prospective bride, Patri. To be honest, I already have a prospect in my mind." I murmured quietly in his ear. "You and Leandro's widowed aunt seem to be a good match."

 "Young lady..." My father's cold green eyes warned me. Before I could answer we finally reach the altar where Leandro patiently waiting. Patri placed my hand on Leandro's waiting hand. "Take good care of my daughter, young man."

"I will, sir." My gorgeous husband answered solemnly. His lucid eyes shine very brightly this hot afternoon. I would never love anyone else in this world more than him and our baby. I glanced at my swollen belly for two more months and we will start our own family.

"I don't know why my daughters fall for such undeserving men in this world," Patri muttered to himself but it was loud enough for me and Leandro to hear it.

Leandro frowned at him. I shook my head silently telling my groom not to mind my father's remark. We took our place at the center of the altar in front of the priest. "What's with the whispered conversation with your father awhile ago?"

I glanced amusedly at him. I grinned playfully and whispered while waiting for the priest to start the ceremony. "I'm just complimenting you. Leandro Salazar managed to drag away my father from his kingdom to attend our wedding here in Spain."

"He just wants to torture me and Pallis with his polite words covered with acids," Leandro answered with a heavy sigh. "He believes that no one is good enough for his daughters. He made sure that we always feel his disdain when we're in his company."

Before I could answer the priest started the wedding ceremony. "We are here to witness..."

Leandro Salazar's POV

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