A Star Is Taken

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The next day, the morning was peaceful as the sun rose over the horizon, shining through the windows of the Thorndyke mansion, hitting the faces of two lovely hedgehogs just right.

Star and Shadow both fluttered their eyes open, waking up to discover that yes, indeed, they had slept in the same bed together last night... and they weren't ashamed of it.

"Good morning." Star whispered soothingly, her voice as sweet as ever.

"Good morning." Shadow whispered back.

"Leugh. Morning breath." Star giggled, playfully pushing Shadow's face away from her.

"You got it too." Shadow chuckled, causing Star to laugh again. "I love your laughter."

"Aw, that's so sweet. I love yours. You should laugh and smile more often."

"Only when I'm around you, My Shooting Star."

Star froze again, her chest bubbling in excitement again. "So it's true. You did give me a pet name."

"As you also gave me." Shadow smirked. "I figured if we're an official couple, we should have pet names. That's a thing with couples, isn't it?"

"Usually, but my last ones didn't involve pet names."

"Then they weren't right for you. Hence the reason for your songs, and hence the reason we're together now."

"True." Star giggled before sitting up and stretching her arms out. "I haven't slept that good in awhile."

"Same here." Shadow nodded. "I'm not used to having somebody by my side when I sleep but if I keep getting a good night's rest like this, I'm sure it won't take me long to adapt."

Star laughed. "Ok, but just letting you know, you're not getting any of this-" She points up and down her body. "Until we've been dating for at least a year."

"That's not what I'm after." Shadow frowned, but a grin was still on his face.

"I know. I'm just letting you know."

"Then I will respect your wishes."

Star nodded and finally got out of bed, headed for her private bathroom to get herself ready for the day. "So, any plans for you today, Shads?"

"None in my book." Shadow shook his head as he got up and started making the bed. "How about you?"

"Nothing in my schedule either." Star grabbed her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth. "No new songs yet. And Drake has a thing he's gotta do today. I think he's still trying to get me to do music videos."

"Why don't you do music videos?"

"I don't know. I've never been comfortable with displaying myself like that. Plus, MVPs are a lot of work. More work than actually making music."

"I can see that." Shadow nodded, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms over her shoulders, swaying them side to side a little. "It's like how telling your brother means a lot of work on getting him to trust me. It's easier to just leave him in the dark."

"... That's not fair." Star frowned at him. "You can't use music videos as an analogy of not telling Sonic about us."

"I know it's not fair. But you know in your heart that it's true."

Star sighed and nodded. "I know."

"Sooner or later we are gonna have to tell him. If we don't, he'll only be more pissed once he finds out on his own."

"I know. You're right... You're always right."

"I'm not always right. Just most of the time."

Star giggled and gently smacked his shoulder. "Alright... We'll tell him today."

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