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Once again, over the past few days, Star and Shadow continued to go out on their dates, still keeping their relationship a secret from Sonic. It's not that they were ashamed of their relationship. If they were ashamed, they wouldn't be dating in public. No, they were only waiting still for Sonic to calm down from his rage, as the blue hedgehog still currently was pissed off for how Shadow had treated Star before they were an official couple.

"When are we going to tell him?" Shadow asked Star one day as they walked through the park together.

Star sighed. "I don't know. We clearly can't keep waiting for him to calm down, he's not going to. But he's starting to get suspicious. He's been hearing rumors about us dating again. He confronted me about it yesterday and I had to lie to his face about it... It felt horrible. I've never had to lie to him before."

"Then don't. I'd prefer it if he knew the truth about us."

"Even if he wants to beat you to a pulp?"

Shadow scoffed. "Please. I can beat that Faker with one hand behind my back."


"Sorry, I know, I know. He's your brother and I know you'd prefer it if I didn't fight with him. But if he starts it, I can't promise that I won't finish it."

Star chuckled. "I don't doubt it for a second." She sighed, her ears flattening a bit. "I just wish people would stop talking about us and looking at us like we're zoo animals."

"Well can you really blame them?" Shadow shrugged. "I mean, you're the twin sister of my rival. There's bound to be some gossip about us just because of that."

"I know... I just think it's rude."

"Pfft, they're humans. It's in their nature to be rude."


"Of course Maria was never rude! She was the most sweetest, kindest..." Shadow stopped for a moment and smirked at her. "Oh that's dirty. That is a dirty trick, Star the Hedgehog." Star laughed and he chuckled back. "But I see your point. Not all humans are rude."

"No. Just the ones that love to gossip."

"Especially about things that don't concern them."

"And things that are more than likely to get us in trouble."

"That too."

The two hedgehogs chuckled at their own joke, refusing to pay attention to the stares they got.

Suddenly, a small child, a little girl, ran up to them. She looked up at them with a bright smile, showing that she was missing a few baby teeth, before she held up two beautiful crowns made of peony flowers. "These are for you." She giggled.

"Oh how lovely." Star gasped, bending her head down and accepting the crown.

"What's the occasion?" Shadow asked as he too bent his head, letting the girl place the flower crown upon his temples.

"I just think you're a very nice couple, and my mommy says that these flowers mean love, prosperity, luck, and good fortune." The girl giggled again, swaying her hips back and forth. "Even if she doesn't think you're good, I think you are."

Star and Shadow smiled at each other before smiling back down at the girl. "Well thank you very much." Star nodded. "What is your name?"


"Missy!" A woman suddenly shrieked, rushing over and picking the girl up in her arms. "What are you doing? I told you to stay away from them."

"I was just giving them flower crowns, mommy."

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