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A kiss was planted on Elena's forehead to ease the pain in her back. "I only slightly healed it so you keep that amazing energy of yours." Recovery Girl explained, looking kindly at Elena.

"Very well. Was this a plan of yours all this time?" Elena asked her. "Yes, me and Doctor Himari thought about it for awhile." Recovery Girl explained. "Yeah well, Did I pass?" Elena asked, looking at the woman in anticipation. "I could agree that you still need to practice and train your quirk, but, your physical ability seems to be in shape. You're allowed to do hero work, but be careful and take care of yourself." She explained, eyeing Elena knowingly.

"I promise! Katsuki will take care of me. Besides, I do skin care everyday." Elena said, faking polishing her nails. "I trust you, dear." Recovery Girl said with a smile and patted Elena's knee.

Katsuki had gone back to the dorms, leaving Elena to fend for herself, much to Elena's surprise. Nevertheless, she wasn't a child and could take care of herself to a certain extent.

"You're free to go, dear." Recovery Girl told her, sitting by her computer. "Alrighty. Take care, Chiyo-san." Elena cooed, only for the older woman's smile to grow bigger. "Bye-bye dear." She said, only for Elena to walk out.

"That girl gives me Deja Vu.."


As Elena walked the path back to the dorms, she could keep her aura recognition on since she had recovered that part of her quirk. She used to always have it activated in case, and when she didn't upon recovering, she often got jump-scared cause people came up to her so out of the blue.

She whistled a tune, holding her backpack to her back as she walked down the path happily.

Elena admired the trees, finding them a perfect shade of green during the times between spring and summer. As she reached the Heights Alliance, she walked in, still whistling a tune from some soundtrack in Despicable Me.

"Girlie! You okay?" Mina asked, approaching her at the door. Katsuki, Hitoshi and Izuku was right behind her as the four approached Elena. "Elena-chan! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to punch you that hard." Izuku apologized, bowing to the floor.

Elena looked up at him when he stood straight once more. He had a growth spurt, ending up with his 5'10 in height. "Nah. Don't worry about that. However..." Elena began, only to approach him as she levitated to reach his ear. "Now tell me who the hell is 'not enough'? I quote you saying that." Elena hissed, making Izuku shiver as he looked into her glowing red eyes. He winced when she pinched his ear.

"I just said it to fire you up! I'm sorry Elena-Chan!" Izuku said with fear evident in his voice. When he saw Elena get angry back at the fight, he was terrified. Nevermind being the Symbol of Peace, he was still scared of Elena. She had the same temper as Mitsuki not to mention Aizawa at times, and that alone is scary.

Katsuki chuckled with Hitoshi as they watched Elena let go of his ear. "Very well, I forgive you, Izuku-kun!" Elena told him with a smile adorning her lips.

Hitoshi and Katsuki full on laughed upon seeing Izuku's horrified expression. Katsuki nudged Hitoshi's shoulder as they pointed at his face, tears basically running down their cheeks. "Oh shut up you two, don't be mean to Izu!" Elena told them, pouting as she hugged Izuku.

He suddenly was brought back to reality when his cheeks flushed red. He patted her head awkwardly, only for the laughter of the boys to unheard of. "Hands off!" Katsuki told him, as both him and Hitoshi grabbed Elena, holding her in the air. "What are you, best buddies?" Elena asked, laughing at the thought.

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