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Katsuki sat by her bed, holding her hand as she watched the tv. Yuko and Shota were asleep in Shota's room.

"So, Junichiro is locked up for now- but the attorneys believe that he'll get a death sentence? But how's that possible when literally all of The League remains alive and locked up?" Elena asked, eyeing Katsuki.

"Not many people file for the death of villains. However, seeing the damage that Junichiro has done, we filed for it. He kidnapped children, killed people, tortured other people, starved them, and once kidnapped a newborn, and recently killed one. The list goes on and on. Besides, he fled from prison. The sentence automatically became higher the minute he stepped out." Katsuki explained, making Elena nod as she looked in thought.

"What is your beautiful little head thinking about?" He asked, kissing the top of her hand. "About what happens now. Will mom and dad be okay? Will the class visit me soon? When will I be up? And when will you kiss me?" She asked, finally looking at him with a smile.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I will, when you brush your teeth. Your teeth hasn't been properly brushed for 5 weeks. But before that, I'll keep giving you kisses wherever you want." He said, smiling as he peppered her hand with kisses.

"So you're not kissing me because my breath is stinky?" Elena asked, starting as if she was offended. Katsuki's whole face held panic. "I mean- it's just-" He began, only for Elena to laugh.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't kiss myself either." She told him as she put her hand on his cheek. "Hm but answer to your other questions. What happens now is that we put that damn bastard in jail, or 6 feet under. After that, we focus on finals...I'll be helping you study and help with graduation preparations...and then we graduate. After that we'll begin our journey as actual heroes." Katsuki said, making Elena smile at the last parts.

"And then maybe...we can move in together? But only after about a year! We need to get up in the hero ranks before that-" Elena began, only for Katsuki to chuckle. "Sure." He smiled, kissing the top of her hand.

"Now, enough thinking and talking at the same time. You need some sleep. Okay?" Katsuki said, his eyes on her. "Yeah okay." She muttered, pouting as she laid back in the hospital bed.

"I love you, so much." Katsuki told her, pouring his heart into it as he moved her hair out of her face.

"I love you more."


As the days went by, Elena was finally allowed to go outside l, seeing as she had regained her strength. She was permitted to use a wheel chair to go out. It was only because Katsuki had argued at the doctors to let her use one.

She hadn't been outside for over a month, so it was about time. Izuku had arrived with clothes for her. It was a pair of grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt and a pair of new white sneakers that he went to buy at the store after Katsuki told him her sizes.

Once Yuko had helped Elena put her clothes on, she stood up from the bed. "Woah, I don't feel anything." Elena said, only to start tipping a little as Katsuki caught her. "Yeah no, maybe do wheelchair till your treatment is done, hm?" Katsuki asked, smiling at her as he helped her into the wheelchair.

"Yeah yeah. But why can't I have crutches?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Because you should rest your legs no matter what. Using crutches will still restrain your legs, so the wheel chair was the only option the doctors went with." He explained as Yuko stood beside her.

"Yeah, listen to your boyfriend and sit in that damn wheelchair." Yuko joked, kissing her head as she helped her out the room where Shota stood. "I'm glad you two are able to walk at least." Elena said as Shota walked beside them.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 - 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now