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dear jungkook,

you stayed.
for the entire two months.

you lay by the bed.
hand in hand.

heart to heart.

you called me strong,
told me i'm worth everything.

little do you know,
i'm not worthy of you.

the treatment worked,
they said.

happy life,
they said.

my life never lay in the hospital bed.
it lays in your eyes, jungkook.

i love you.

we went on a road trip across the country. i loved it.

we stayed in a hotel.
you told me you quit the gang.

"you shouldn't give up your life for me, kook."

"you are my life. it's been a long time coming, anyway."

i knew you just said that to make me feel better.

i said it then.

"i love you."

you were shocked.
how did you not notice that every time i look at you

it's as if i look at the night sky
because many are the stars i see

but in my eye,
no star like thee.

you said it back. it sounded better coming from you.

we kissed.
and kissed.

you undressed me.

i told you i was a virgin.

you smiled at me, beautiful as always,

"funny you think i'm not one."

and then we were one.
i was complete.

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