Thank you Alastor... Part Two

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It's been 3 Days and Angel hasn't showed up

Alastor was close to strangling his shadows for not finding Angel fast enough. ||I won't wait another day for you buffoons to find him! If I do not see Angel in less than 8 Hours I will decease every last one of you!|| Alastor yelled at his shadows making static around him. ||Alastor who are you talking to?|| Charlie walked into his room wondering.  ||Oh nobody Dear...|| Alastor lied as he picked up the nearest random thing near him and started looking at it. ||Okay......|| Charlie waited for Alastor to say something but he didnt. ||i know your worried about Angel thats why youve been gone all day! but we're worried about him too!||Charlie explained while walking towards him. Alastor lowered his head as Charlie kept explaining. || *sigh* Alastor i promise everything will be fine...|| Charlie comforted him.
||~Angel P.O.V~||
Angel was sneaking through the vent trying to escape since the doors were locked. Angel pushed the vent open and jumped out. ||Why hello there Angel i was expecting you to use the door..|| Valentino said sitting down and drinking a glass of wine. ||Fucking Damn it!|| Angel swore out loud. -I got sent to the same room i came from!- Angel said in his mind. ||And while your here refill my glass of wine|| Valentino smirked. Angel growled and didnt care if Valentino heard it so he walked over to Valentino snatched the glass aggressively and went to the kitchen.
Angel poured wine into the glass and brought it back to him. ||Why thank you Angel Cakes~ Your so usefull~||Valentino said after sipping the wine. ||Ya i can fuckin tell..|| Angel mumbled under his breath. ||You said something?|| Valentino asked as he raised a brow. ||Nothing|| Angel quickly answered.

||Angel Darling...Would you be a dear and pleasure my lower regions using your mouth~|| Valentino said smirking at Angel. Angel has enough. He wanted to yell at him. || Yes Daddy....|| Angle said kneeling down. ||Good Slut...~||

|| Smut Abuse Warning||

Angel was upset he just wanted to cry but he did as he was told and started to bob his head up and down on Valentinos member. ||Ah~ this feels so reliving|| Valentino moaned. Angel got pissed and even more pissed eachtime he moaned or got pissed from even looking at him. ||I can see your trying to bite me Darling~ and that isnt so nice now is it?|| Valentino teased. Angel growled and kept sucking.

                                                                           ||~ Alastors P.O.V~||

Alastor growled impaitently. Suddenly 3 of his shadows apear infront of him. ||Did you find him?|| His shadows nodded yes. ||Take me to him this instant.|| Alastor demanded. Alastor was teleported to the room Angel was in and couldnt belive his eyes. He saw Angel giving Valentino a blowjob and stood there watching. He just watched and watched as Angel was being forced to give plesure to someone he doesnt even like. Alastor got an idea and smiled deviously so he stood there until they were done.

                                                                  ||~Angel's P.O.V~||

||Oh thank you Angel Cakes~ you are so good to me~|| Valentino moaned as he cleaned up his cum. ||Whatever...|| Angel said wiping away his tears. ||Now do daddy a favour and pour his favorite wine..||     ||Fine whatever.. whatever gets you to shut up...|| Angel mumbled. ||You said something?||   ||Nope|| Angel replied quickly then walked to the kitchen.

                                                              ||~Alastors P.O.V~||

Alastor slowly emerged from the dark hallway. ||Having a good time i pressume?|| Alastor said walking towards Valentino with a sinister smile. ||What do you want from me!|| Valentino questioned. ||Remember what i said to you a few days ago...|| Alastor growled


||Why hello there Valentino it is nice to meet you!|| Alastor said walking up to him shaking his hand vigorously and aggressively.
||Hey you little-|| Valentino was cut off. ||Why I love what you did with your outfit why wherever did you get him from!|| Alastor said trying to annoy him to get him leave. ||If you ever touch him again i will cut off one of your limbs..|| Alastor whispered in his ear then countinued to act friendly.

                                                                          ||~Flashback Ended~||

Valentino gulped then stood up tall trying to scare Alastor. ||Being taller then me does not intimidate me. ||Go ahead and cut off my limbs and see what happends to your BOYFRIEND|| Alastor was then triggered, he than held up his hand and lifted him into the air with his demon magic.

                                                                         ||~Angels P.O.V.~||

Angel comes back from the kitchen and when he walked in the room Valentino was in. He couldnt belive what he saw, He saw Alastor walking to a dark wallway with Valentino in the air where he couldnt be seen. All Angel could hear was screams from Valentino. ||Aghh!,     NOT THERE!     AGHH HAVE MERCYYY OHHHHHHH|| Angel waited a few minutes and all of the sudden he couldnt hear screaming anymore. Alastor walked out of the dark hallway with his clothes and face covered in blood. ||Alastor!|| Angel said running towards him and hugging him. ||What did you do to him..?|| Angel asked. ||Hes alive..|| Alastor said with a bit more static in his voice completely ignoring Angels question. ||Come on dear lets get you out of this place, Charlie is very worried about you||     ||Wait Charlie?, Worried?, about me?|| Angel worded out. ||Just because you trigger her nerves does not mean she doesnt care about you. Now shall we get going?

                                                                                  ||~ At the Hotel~||

||Angel! i was so worried about you!|| Charlie yelled. ||Eh dont worry about me toots im finee|| Angel said smiling at her. ||Were going to ignore the fact that The Radio Demon may or may not have killed something or someone?|| Vaggie pointed out. ||Now that i think about it ya, why do you have blood all over?|| Charlie asked Alastor with a concerned face. ||I simply cut off one of Valentinos limbs|| Alastor replied proudly. ||Which limb...|| Charlie asked. Alastor lowered his head down and started looking at his private and looked back up at Charlie. Charlie processed for a second and did the most dramatic gasp. ||YOU CUT HIS DICK OFF!?|| Angel screamed. ||What a way to use your words, but yes i did cut his genitelia off||  Angel laughed and then hugged Alastor. Alastor looked at Angel and got closer to his face. Angel did the same and then they kissed regardless of who was looking. Charlie got out her phone and took a picture. ||Get a room!|| Husker yelled. ||Fuck you and the room!|| Angel replied back. Alastor smiled even more, just looking at Angel made him happy. Angel yawned and started rubbing his eyes. ||You have had a long day my dear...Why dont you get some rest.|| Alastor insisted. ||Ya...that sounds like a plan|| Angel said stretching.

                                                                              ||~In Angel's room~||

Angel walked in his room and immediatly ran to his bed and picked his pet up. ||Oh Nugsy i missed ya so much!|| Angel played with him for about 3 minutes then put him in its bed. Alastor laid next to Angel hugging him. Soon enough Angel fell asleep comfortably with his Boyfriend.

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