[1] you with me

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"How interesting," a mysterious woman chuckled next to a scrawny boy. "I noticed ever since I have been onboard."

The slim man rested his back on the railings of the Merry. His hair flowed in the gentle ocean breeze. He simply laughed at the woman's statement.

"Really?" he responded briefly, looking out to sea and the waves below them.

"Yes, Captain-san. It came as a shocker at first, but you two are quite the couple," the woman smiled again. She took a bite of pastry provided to her by their chef. "How did you two come to be?"

"Come to be? That's a boring story..." the boy trailed off. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"I'm sure I'll enjoy it."

"Hmm... well..."


"Before you became our nakama, Robin. It was just me, Usopp, Nami, Sanji, and Zoro," Luffy began. "Zoro was my first mate. My first nakama! I was so happy."

"My! When did you start liking him?" Robin interrogated, her curiosity evergrowing.

"Don't know. I just did I guess. From the moment I saw him I knew he needed to be mine." He laughed out loud before stopping. "Well... now I look back. I remember back in Logue Town I was about to be executed by... Bossy? Buffy? Booger? Ah, I don't remember!"

"That was where they executed the King of the Pirates. It would've been fitting for the 'future king of the pirates' to be executed there," Robin joked before composing herself.

"Shishishi! You think so? That would have been cool!" Luffy turned to look at her. "Whatever that clown nose's name was, I was saved somehow and we escaped back to the Merry."

"That would explain why you're still here and your head isn't rolling around the city square," she blurted out randomly.

"Eh? So morbid," he responded unphased by her comment.

"Go on, Captain," Robin chuckled. "What happens next?"

"Well... when we got back on the ship Zoro wouldn't leave my side. Not even we were sleeping or even in the shower!" Luffy laughed as he got off the railing to sit on the table occupied by Robin. "He said he was scared I was gonna drown."

"Oh my! That would've been quite a sight to see," Robin closed to eyes, envisioning the two as she internally squealed at the thought.

"And then... oh yeah! That sleepyhead said while napping that he liked me and ever since, we started dating!" Luffy exclaimed before jumping off the table. "Man, I'm hungry... meat..."

"That was quite the interesting story, thank you," Robin said as Luffy began trailing the smell of lunch coming from the kitchen.


- End of Chapter -

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