[12] plans & surprises

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The black-haired boy felt a cold breeze carrying the scent of the ocean flow through his hair. With the blindfold still on, he could barely make out the occasional warm light emitted from lanterns in the dark. He still felt weak from the cuffs that prevented him from using his abilities. 

Inaudible chatter passed through his ear and out the other. There wasn't anything of interest to the boy. He kept pace with a tug forcing him forward. It wasn't until he heard a string of familiar words that he poised his ear in the direction of talking.

"...you know that 'Roronoa Zoro?' From the Strawhats?" a voice whimpered. He sounded concerned while talking to their colleague.

"Eh? Didn't he get captured a while ago? I heard his sense of direction was so bad he wandered into his prison cell," the other voice trailed off. It sounded high-pitched yet hoarse. 

"Well, I guess he did, but people say he killed every prison guard in our North-West facility..." the first voice said, fear finally taking hold.

"W-what? No way... thank god we're going to the one in the South-East..." their conversation became too distant for Luffy to hear.

"Zoro! You're scary as ever, shishishi! You must be on this island,' he thought to himself, a grin spreading across his face.

"No laughing, kid," a low, coarse voice said. The boy felt a kick to his side as he felt pain again from such a light attack. Luffy groaned under his breath, tumbling at his feet before balancing himself and continuing walking.


In the dining room of the Going Merry, dirtied plates were carefully placed into the sink by the blonde chef. He quickly returned to the gathered crewmates, all surrounding a large piece of parchment.

"I may have found out the location of our Captain," Robin announced, spreading a large, yellowed paper onto the table. On it was a map of the island with several marks drawn in specific areas.

"I believe... here is the headquarters for this organization," Robin pointed toward a port in the South-West. "They import all their catches here to be processed."

"Now that I think about it, Zoro was walking toward that dock. W-what if he was captured," Chopper choked back tears out of concern for the swordsman. Robin seemed displeased to see the reindeer crying, sprouting a hand that petted him gently. 

"He's gonna be ok, Chopper," Sanji comforted him, attracting curious glares from the others him. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing. Robin continue," Nami turned her head back to the map. "What are the circles everywhere else?"

"They're hidden prisons that hold the bounty hunter's prey. I'm not sure what happens there afterward, but we arrived here relatively quickly after they took Captain-san, so they should still be housing him in one of these facilities," she explained.

"S-so we go to every facility until we find Luffy?" Usopp placed his hand up to his chin, a tinge of skittish curiosity.

"Mhm," Robin hummed to see the long-nosed boy's reaction. "That would be the case."

She folded her hands, interlocking them, and leaned on the table. She was waiting for questions, though not expecting any to come her way.

"WOWWW! That's our Robin-Chwann∼ A beautiful, breathtaking, genius, Lady!" Sanji became ecstatic as hearts replaced his pupils. He bent one knee down and kissed the woman's hand. "Mademoiselle. May I indulge you in after-dinner dessert?"

"We haven't finished talking yet..." a tick mark emerged on Nami's temple as she began resisting the urge to plummet the lovesick cook to death. 

"I think I saw a head of green when I was taking a walk with Chopper on the dock," Robin began sorting through her memory. "The swordsman may be already there at the South-East prison. Navigator-san and Cook-kun, you will go to the North-East facility. Doctor, you and our Sniper will go to the North-West Facility. I will investigate the South-East one and hopefully meet up with the swordsman."

"A-a date with Nami-san? My dream has come true! Mellorine, Mellorine, my prayers have been answered," the cook erupted out of excitement, and blood slowly trickled out one nostril.

"KNOCK IT OFF, YOU MORON! CAN YOU BE SERIOUS FOR EVEN ONE MINUTE?!" Nami snapped, finally smashing the unfiltered chef's skull with her scrunched fist. "Sounds good to me, Robin. Is that settled then?"

"Yes. We can initiate our plan at noon. They have a break during that time," Robin nodded in agreement before lowering herself to pet Chopper again, triggering a series of delighted giggles from the doctor.

With that conclusion, each member returned to their private quarters to rest for the impending fight tomorrow to retrieve their captain.


In the dead of night...

Several masked figures arrived on the Going Merry once more. Their ebony uniforms allowed them to blend in the darkness of night. Robin had offered to watch the ship for the night, taking out a lawn chair and table outside the deck. She lounged on the fabric seat, reading a book illuminated by dim candlelight.

"Oh my, I wasn't expecting company so soon," she giggled as she closed her book. The corners of her mouth twitched into an unnerving smile.

"Demon Child, Nico Robin," a voice emerged behind her. "We have you cornered. Give up."

"Nueve Fleurs," Robin began, crossing her arms as she chanted. Before she could continue her attack, she felt her strength drain instantly.

The four masked men wrapped a covering across her eyes and snapped a metallic cuff on her arms. The dark-haired woman felt herself being dragged and winced at the sudden pain in her backside.

She smiled.

All is according to plan.


- End of Chapter -

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