[7] constellation

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Meanwhile, right after the incident...

"Ahaaa... I waaaant meaaat... I'm hungry..." Luffy groaned in protest, still being dragged by the collar. Another few moments passed before he was thrown into a room. The door slammed and locked behind him.

"Ow... that usually doesn't hurt..." he rubbed the back of his head in slight discomfort, feeling a breeze on top. "Ah, my hat! I hope it didn't drop into the ocean."

Looking at his surroundings, he found himself in quite a cozy room. It consisted of a messy, disorganized desk with an unlit candle next to an opened notebook. Perpendicular to it stood a small bed with stained gray sheets and a pillow. Another door beside the one in which he had arrived. There was a small barred window right above the desk.

Luffy got up from his uncomfortable position on the floor. The most intriguing thing to him was the other door. Slowly reaching out to turn the knob, he finds a cramped, tiled room with a dirty toilet and a sink parallel to each other. Unamused by the sight he was given, he exited the room without much more exploration.

He sat down on the uncomfortable bed, creaking as he bounced slightly from the spring-filled mattress. On his wrist was a heavy bracelet made out of dark, navy blue stone. He felt the weakest on the side with the smooth band.

Becoming bored of the bland view of his arm, his eyes made it to the barred window by the desk. It was still dark outside. He could just barely make out tiny stars that dotted the night sky.

Luffy smiled when he found the same system of stars that resembled meat on a bone, the same constellation he found whilst in Zoro's embrace.


Back to the present...

The crew had just arrived at the populated island's port. In full view in front of them was a bustling touristy town. Many stalls and merchants sold various items ranging from food to jewelry. All except for Zoro stepped onto the wooden dock. The swordsman had volunteered to watch the ship as per usual.

Nami and Sanji went ahead toward the large market, aiming to purchase supplies in preparation for their next excursion. Usopp accompanied Chopper in their usual childish play. The two played around in the open city square, seeming to forget what their original goal was.

Robin willingly took on the most important responsibility shared between the crew: to find out the whereabouts of their captain and the bounty hunter group. She strolled around the densely packed streets. Her top hat blocked her enchantingly blue eyes from view.

She entered an empty alleyway away from the packed streets. Robin noticed almost immediately the difference between the bright and festive sidewalk to the shadowed alley.

"Hey... miss! Y-you don't want to go in there, it's dangerous!" a bald bystander yelled out to her, still within the reach of the sunlight. She recognized him as the street vendor she had passed seconds earlier. "T-trust me, please come with me."

She obliged not to the threat itself that posed the said dangers imminent in the alley, but to the possibility of attaining more information. She was a trained assassin designed to murder, fear was not something she felt so easy.

"Would you explain why, shopkeeper?" Robin smiled gracefully, tilting her head slightly.

"W-well... here is not the best place to talk. Follow me," the man gestured, leading her into his crowded store.


A lot of merchandise lined both the walls and shelves of this miniature convenience store, with everything from imported medicines from foreign islands to groceries like eggs and vegetables. Behind a torso-length curtain was the employee's lounge. Four decorative pillow seats lined each face of a small rectangular table. On it, a porcelain teapot with golden detailing steamed from the still-hot liquid inside.

"Please, sit down," the man invited awkwardly. He pulled out a small drawer under the small table, grabbing a decorative porcelain cup similar to the detailing on the teapot. The shopkeeper poured a steaming, light, yellow liquid into the cup before offering it to Robin. "This is a rare and delicious green tea from the island of Oichai. It's good for anxiety and aches..."

"Thank you Shopkeeper-san," she took a sip from the cup. It was just slightly sweet, resembling candy but without the signature sweetness. It reminded her of Chopper, who had quite an obsession with sugary treats. "Mmm, this is quite tasty. I think I might purchase some if you have it up for sale."

"O-oh! Yes, of course," the shopkeeper seemed almost delighted at a new sale. "I will get it to you after."

There was a slight pause as the old man in front of her hesitated for a moment. It was obvious to Robin that whatever plagued the alleyways also plagued the residents of this perfect-looking city. Perfection doesn't exist, the dark-haired woman thought.

"There's a dangerous organization here on this island... they run everything from what we sell and everything else of that sort..." the man stumbled between sentences. He took another pause, less in length this time. "In the alleys are where a majority of their members hang out, that's why I was so scared for you, miss!"

"Oh my. Could tell me more about this... organization?" Robin leaned in, her arms resting on the table. Her blank smile and emotionless face terrified the Shopkeeper, but he gave in to her plea for more information.

"They well... I don't know what they do but I think they're somehow connected to the marines. I see the navy's ships docked here and there would be all these men chained up and led somewhere..." he was sweating now, too nervous to look the woman in the eye. "I think that's all I know... please miss, don't chase this topic further... you might be next!"

"Really? I have one last question if you don't mind answering," her posture relaxed, and the corners of her lips curled further. It had now resembled something of genuine emotion, the shopkeeper thought to himself.

"I guess one more question can't hurt..." he rubbed the back of his head. His other hand fell to the ground beside him.

"Thank you, Shopkeeper," she said brightly as she carefully began unfolding a piece of paper tucked inside her pocket. "Could this symbol belong to this group?"

The man slowly hunched back to look at the piece of paper now placed in front of him on the table. On it, a small bird was drawn with a great pair of wings spread on both sides. A diagonal line split the bird in half. She had spotted this logo on the intruder's small boat.

"I... I knew it! You're one of them... d-don't tell me you're here because I sold the blue stone..." the old man panicked, holding up a concealed pistol from his hidden hand. "Go away-!"


His neck crushed instantly before he could pull the trigger. A pair of arms sprouted on the man's shoulders, snapping his neck violently. Petals floated down gently as the hands disappeared. The shopkeeper fell backward as the pistol tumbled out of his hands. There, he lay limp as crimson blood gushed out of the protruded bits of bone. A small puddle of viscous liquid accumulated on the ground below him.

"My, my. I have made quite the mess," she chuckled innocently. Looking around the lounge, she spotted a small blanket and draped it over the man's upper half. A rustling startled her momentarily. She calmed down noticing a small animal scramble from a bush out a window.

Robin walked out of the room with a smile still plastered onto her face. She began to browse the aisles for the tea she drank earlier. Pausing when a distinctly packaged bag of tea caught her eye, she placed it in a pouch strapped over her shoulder and walked out of the store.

A singular arm sprouted on the shop counter, flicking a single gold coin onto the wooden surface. It bounced before catching the eye of the distracted cashier behind the register.


- End of Chapter -

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