[15] captain's orders

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The metal door stood no chance against the cook, blinded by pure chivalry. The impact from his kick shattered the lock mechanism into pieces as the door itself flung inward. A brown-eyed woman with long hair gazed gently at the young man in front of her.

"R...ROBIN-CHWANNNN~!" the chef's eyes miraculously shapeshifted from the sight. "My lady, I have come to save you."

"Thank you, Cook-san," she chuckled at the blonde's bizarre mannerisms. Robin had yet to get accustomed to the crew's shenanigans, even if they did act like long-time 'friends.' The mention of that word in her mind brought a strange serenity.

Earlier, Sanji found a ring of keys on a guard's person. He cycled quickly through each key until he heard a clicking sound. The dark, navy blue handcuffs snapped open violently and released their grasp on the dark-haired woman.

"Ah, before I forget," the woman rose next to him and brushed the accumulated dust on her clothing. "The guards are evacuating the high-bounty captures. We must hurry or else the captain will be in the hands of the marines."

Urgence in Robin's voice seemed to break Sanji's hypnotized state. It reminded him of what their goal was. He scoffed at the reminder, not the need to rescue their captain but the swordsman's reaction if they failed. 

Failure was not a part of the cook's agenda, though. It was part of no one's agenda.

It would mean life or death for the crew.


Nami, Usopp, Chopper...

"Ahah! Finally found you gremlins," a green-haired woman intercepted their path. Bags of gold and cash in hand, the three were displeased to have finally encountered an enemy.

"H-huh?! Zoro?! Did you turn into a girl?" Chopper croaked in surprise. Thoughts raced in his head relating to medicine. 'Could he have eaten something? Drank something? A mushroom?'

"Ch-Chopper- AHAHA," Nami patted the reindeer's back. He had transformed into his humanlike form to help carry the treasure they found.

"Nami! This is no laughing matter! It could mean serious health side effects if he somehow changed sex!" the reindeer turned to the ginger. She was trying hard to contain any more bursts of laughter but ultimately gave in.

The woman was equally confused and angry. The image resurfaced of their captain mocking her natural hair color despite being a prisoner under their control.

"I'm... not... your... DAMN SHITTY SWORDSMAN!" She readied a whip with a spiky ball at the end, flinging it towards the three crewmates. Chopper dropped the bags in response and quickly grabbed the sides of the whip before the flail attached could inflict any damage.

"It's ok Zoro, swordsman or swordswoman, it doesn't matter-" the doctor spoke absentmindedly. A quick nerve sent his upcoming speech to a halt. "EHH?!! You're not Zoro?!! Who are you?"

Usopp was enjoying the fiesta unraveling in front, but he begrudgingly fired an attack from his slingshot to avoid wasting the opportunity. As the small projectile sped toward the woman, she raised her other hand with the sound of glittering crystals. Nothing seemed to happen.

"W-what..? How isn't she defeated yet? Wait... WATCH OUT!!" the sniper quickly ducked their heads as an explosion lightly burned their backs.

"I am Zema, a mirror-woman who ate the mirror-mirror devil fruit," she laughed with an attempt at being sinister. Zema retracted the flail after the doctor let go of her weapon. "Do not expect to leave today alive."

Chopper charged at the woman, now shifting his body once more. He brings his buffed arms backward and unleashes a cloven punch in front of him. A mystical harmony of diamond jewels clicking echoed back to him, sending the reindeer flying at the two witnessing the scene.

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