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the whole mafia members in the room was now arguing with eachother, the only people not arguing were george and clay, the only two sane people in the room.

when they made eye contact, the look that clay gave george was alone enough to shatter the brunettes heart. it was that look, that look which says 'i dont trust you anymore' and that's what hurt george.

the brunette broke eye contact and walked over to his stairs, passing clay and then into his closet. george felt clays presence behind him but he just reached for a duffle and tossed it onto the sofa, leaving it empty until he started tossing random clothing items into it.

"what are you doing" clays voice was soft and quiet, george assumed it was because no one could hear him.

"packing" george gave a half answer and kept throwing the most random things into the duffle.

"to disappear" clays words struck george like a wrecking ball, it was enough to make him freeze.

georges eyes were slightly watery, merely from clay, from that look in his eyes.

"why do you care" george kept packing, reaching for accessories now.

"i never stopped caring" clay stepped closer to george and held his shoulders, holding him in place and forcing george to look at him.

"no but you dont look at me the same. you promised" george spat the words into clays face and that caused the blonde to back up for a moment, giving george enough time to slip from clays grasp.

"george-" clay tried to defend himself but it was nothing, because george was right, he promised that he wouldn't look at him different, and now he does.

george reached under the sofa and pulled a little switch, which clay thought was strange but after all of the walls in the room moved down, and what came down was glass shelves with various weapons, he stopped questioning george.

"holy shit" clay was left breathless, staring at the walls and walls of just weapons, the ranged from a fully loaded sniper rifle, to a simple pocket knife, to a machete, and it was new for both of them.

"i promised myself i would never look at these walls again." george exhaled deeply and looked around, until he found the shelf that held two holsters, and two curved ring daggers that hes had since he was a kid.

george quickly opened the little glass case and shoved the blades into his bag, ignoring any look he was getting from the blonde man.

"dont try to find me" george shook his head and walked into the bedroom, and then down and into the main rooms. he immediately caught every ones attention but he didn't care, he just booked it for the stairs but was cut off by wilbur grabbing his arm and jerking him backwards.

"where are you going" wilburs voice was soft and almost annoyed, like he already knew the answer but didn't want it to be what he knew it was.

"disappearing, but look at me wilbur. im not drunk" george pulled his arm from wilburs grasp but was stopped again when wilbur spoke once more

"no but something happened" his voice was quiet, george wouldn't be surprised if no on else's in the room heard him.

"oh yeah wilbur, something happened. my past, that was supposed to stay in the past, is standing in this room." george looked at every mafia member and saw they were all confused, but techno wasn't, he was staring at george with a smile, a smile that gave george the confidence he needed.

"technos alive" george turned to fully face wilbur and that's when wilbur realized he messed up.

"and hes married, do you know why i didn't know that? why i didn't look for him?" george got closer to wilbur and wilbur muttered a pathetic 'why' just barley above a whisper.

"because you told me he was gone, that he was in my past , dead." george jabbed his finger into wilburs chest each time he made a new point, it somewhat hurting wilbur to the point were he was taking a step back with every jab.

"or clay? you know just kevins son. the man who made my life hell for almost three years" george shrugged like it was a normal thing, like it didn't matter, but when wilbur saw the hurt that was in his eyes, it became clear that this was about more than just techno and clay being in the room.

"look at them wilbur, that is a family, a family that i left in my past and now its standing in my penthouse" george spun around again with his duffle bag on his shoulder, about to take it down the stairs but some ones voice stopped him.

"you un-arm me and you can leave" clay stepped down out of georges bedroom, two very large, mediaeval looking swords in his hands.

george shook his head but dropped his bag, catching the sword clay tossed with his left hand, easily and simply as he had learnt to fight with his left hand.

"deal" george backed up a little and clay stood Infront of him, their blades against once another's as the room went silent, audible whispers sent shocks down everyone's spines.

clay nodded and that is when they started, backing away from eachother and slowly circling in a circle until clay jabbed his sword forward first.

george dodged it, but he slipped clays arm under his injured, using his free arm to hold the sword against clays throat.

as george twisted clays hand, you could see the strain in the blondes face until he dropped it, the sound of metallic metal against the floor was enough to make clay flinch, but george just stood there, a glint of red behind his eyes that clay recognized, because it was the same glint of red that his father had all of the time. the glint were you dont care who the person is, if you are told to hurt them, told to kill the, you will. and luckily clay didn't inherit that, but george did.

blood was trickling down clays throat from the blades tension, and so george let him go. that glint of red disappearing and clay recoiling his wrist for further inspection.

george dropped the sword and picking his duffle back up. he was angry, scared, proud, but fear overpowered every single emotion he was feeling in that moment.

george stormed down the stairs and straight into the basement, getting into any car that he could and peeling onto the highway. the room was left in a mix of shock and aw. george fought with one hand behind his back and he managed to un arm the world most dangerous mafia boss. it was shocking to his own mafia.

clay turned and faced his family, his friends, seeing that they stared at him in surprise, but no one dared to say anything because he was probably furious as shit.

"theres blood on your shirt" wilbur looked at clay and laughed a little, now not caring what happened to him or this so called mafia leader who couldn't defend himself against a simple club owner.

"thanks wilbur. i didn't know my throat was cut open" clay sassily shot back with the same emotion and reached his hand up for his throat, feeling the cut was way deeper than he thought it was.

"man he beat your ass" techno laughed and backed away, going for the elevator with james, laura, niki, and corpse.

after they left, the room was left empty with nick, clay, and wilbur.

"the look in his eyes" clay held his throat as it started to bleed more and more, it now leaking through his fingers.

"hes dangerous wilbur, you have to find him" clay looked up at wilbur and the brunette looked at him with fear in his eyes, whether it was from clay literally bleeding out, or his best friend just beating the mafia boss in a fight, clay didn't know, but it didn't matter because within moments, clay felt his head go foggy and his eyes got fuzzy, he felt his feet start to give out and that's when he knew something was wrong.

"shit" he heard nicks voice before he lost his balance, falling to his knees on the floor, with his hand now limp around his throat.

"we need to get you to a hospital" nick slid to clays side but it was to late, clay was out cold, passed out from either pain or loss of blood, but both of those were un usual for clay.

but they wouldn't know until he woke up, which could be who knows how long.

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