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The place smelt just like it did when it did when i left.. there were more people then then there were last time and a lot more cars. i silently squeal in excitement as i saw all the vehicles lined up. not did i only race but i was also a prize. if its a mans race, i fuck the winner. Well usually I just do something for them, I don't like them using my body. tonight i was a prize. its a pretty fucked up thing to hear i know.

"Riley, baby. I'm glad you could make it." Paul yelled as he ran over, stacks of money in his hand. he smiled pushing his lips on mine for a few brief seconds before pulling away. "god you look so fucking hot tonight." pointing out my long striped skirt and and a crop top and to top it off its a pretty cold night.

"i wouldn't miss it Paul, i need the money for new rims." i chose not to reply to his second comment. he mumbled an i know before handing me $1250

"wow paulo this is almost double to what i normally get."

"some man gave extra tonight and is extra cocky that he thinks he's going to win."

"who? you?"

"ha ha very funny ." he winked, cocky son of a bitch, i wish i could just slap that beautiful smile off his face,but i also cant because he's one of my closest friends and i love him so.

"of course baby." i joke walking over to the races track

seven cars are lined up waiting for the race to begin while the racers have the money to paulo. all well built men wearing black jeans and a simple t-shirt.

"i didn't think you would come." his voice was strong behind me. holy fuck. he actually came.little did he know, i came every week.

"theres a lot you don't know about me." i smirked as i turned around on the balls of my feet he stood before me in tight black jeans and a loose white top and a navy green beanie. oh my god he looks so fucking hot.

"and i see that now miss white." he smiled

"what brings you here?"

"the question is miss white what brings you here?"

"i asked first."

"if you must know, I'm racing."

"i hope you race faster then you talk." i challenge "i'm the prize." oh my god if he wins.

"so if i win i get to take you home and fuck the shit out of that young little body of yours" oh my fuck he really did just say that didn't he? what a kinky son of a bitch, i have to do it. i signed that damned contract. i mean i knows its not fully legal but this is underground shit i could get killed or they could bring my brother or my family into this, and i really don't need that. "am i correct?"he pushes on

"what makes you so sure that you will win mr Styles?" challenging him i lent against one of the cars lined up ready for the race.

"what did i tell you about calling me that." he scowled

"i like it, but if you would prefer it i will call you harry."

"good girl. i better be getting ready. until later miss white."

"Riley, its just Riley."

Harry's car is a dull colour, like a dark foggy colour, a dark misty grey. I laugh as i think of how much it reflects his personality. uninteresting, crowded, boring, busy and just well... dull. not my thing why be loaded up with so much extra baggage when i can leave it all behind as soon as i am in my car. the sound of rubber burning beneath my tyres is music to my ears.

he leaned against his car, bonnet open for people to see inside the hood. girls stood around him in clothes smaller then needed less then me unbelievably and i could hear them giggling , they need to back off, seriously. he's not yours they can do what they please the voice inside my head reminded me, but i didn't like it, why am i letting this man make me feel this way, i don't know him, what he's capable of or what he likes or needs in his life. i looked at the time on my watch and realised it was time to start

"racers" i yelled gaining there attention standing in front of the hoods "to your cars." people started cheering and encouraging the racers i laughed at a few comments "yeah you better win or you're not coming home tonight." i couldn't help but overhear the girl that was hanging over Harry's door half way inside the window, "even if you don't win you can still take me home" making me grimace, his face remained neutral.

why am i even effected by this, i know i shouldn't be he's not mine and I'm not his...


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