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Basically he's doing the things I wanna do + he meets an OC of mine, but she doesnt stay so its not really an OC insert.

Sam's POV
I jumped out of the window and landed in a tree. I realized it was burning on the top, so I climbed out and ran for it! I felt free for once, I may have shot my ex, but I'm putting that behind me! I took the yen I had on me and headed for the train station.
I walked to the area where you buy a ticket, but people were looking. I could tell it was because of my clothes and my skin. My clothes had tears, burns, and stains meanwhile I had burns that were most likely gonna scar all over me. I just grabbed my ticket and sat down. I only feel numb.. maybe I'm still in shock and that's why the burns don't hurt.
The train arrived right on time, but I heard the people from my school! I ran and let Pete check my ticket so I could run to the back car. I got to the back and sat down while watching my ex-friends board the train. They sat in the front, but they looked... upset? Do they think I died or something? Yuki looked like she's seen a ghost. I took out my phone to see who I could contact, dad? No, he's dead. Mom? No, she's not in town.. Cupid.. yeah I'll call her, but I'll wait till later.

(Later comes)

I get out of the back car and walk to the store. I grab some random hair dye, bandages, and food to bribe Cupid with! I pay, leave the store, and start walking to Cupid's home. Maybe I could ask to live there since she's gone most of the time, but I'll have to get a job which will be kinda hard. There is a bakery hiring though, so I could apply! I walk through some allyways whilst passing by suspicious men. They stared at me then walked away. I got to Cupid's and knocked on xer door.
Cupid's POV
I hear a subtle knock on the door, so I get off my couch and walked to the door. I look through my peephole to see Sam! He doesnt look so good so I let him in. I welcome him with, "Hey Sam, what are you doing here this time of night?" He sighed and looked at me while saying, "Cupid.. I did something terrible tonight." I walk him to the couch and sit down while patting the cushion next to me. He sits down and suddenly grabbed me while he started sobbing while trying to say, "CUPID, I SHOT SOMEONE, SET MY SCHOOL ON FIRE, AND PEOPLE THINK IM DEAD." My cat, Zuri, came around the corner to see what the commotion was. I look down at him in horror. He continued to sob on me, so I hugged him quietly. I had so many questions, but he just needs to rest. Zuri jumped on the couch and laid down on the back cushion while watching us.
He ended up fell asleep on me, but I didn't mind! I sat him up on the couch and looked at his burns. They didn't look to bad atleast, but they'll definitely scar. I noticed that he was bleeding from his shoulder. I took out my phone, turned it's flashlight on, and looked at it. He had been shot. I looked through the bag he brought, but for some reason it had pink and black hair dye for some reason, but with some food. I could tell it was to bribe me with something since it was my favorite chips and pocky! I noticed bandages so I grabbed them, walked to my bathroom, and rummaged through my mirror cabinet. I grabbed some gauze, napkins, and some disinfectant. Sam is a heavy sleeper, so to wake him up I grabbed him and kinda shook him gently to not hurt him but enough to wake him up. Sam woke up and started screaming about how his face, sides, arm, and shoulder were in pain. Zuri got up and walked away. I waited until he calmed down a little bit, so I could get him fixed up

(After putting his bandages on)

Sam walked to my bathroom with a little bit of guidance. He looked at himself in the mirror and kinda just stared. His bandages covered parts of his body and half of his face. By now it was about 1:00 AM. All Sam said was, "Cupid.. can I live here?" I looked at him with shock but I calmed quickly. I looked at him and said, "Your always welcome to be here, Sam. I don't know what has been happening with your life, but sure. I have an extra room up here anyways!" Zuri jumped up onto the counter, expecting pets from me and Sam. Sam picked her up and held her like a baby. Sam was limping a little bit on his left leg a bit, so I helped him into the extra room. It was a plain white room with an air mattress and some pillows and blankets. The room was used for whenever me and Sam decided we should have like a couple day sleepover! Sam went and flopped on his air mattress after putting Zuri down. He rolled over and fell asleep quickly. Well, I guess I should clean up a bit if he's gonna live with me, plus I'll need some extra things.
I finally got done cleaning by 3:00 AM and walked downstairs. My bedroom was spacious and it even had a personal bathroom! I jumped onto my bed and started setting up my plushies to comfortable areas. I thought that I would freshen up a bit and went to the bathroom to shower. Once I was done I grabbed a plain white t-shirt and some sweatpants. I have to get up at 8:00 for work, so I set my alarms, laid down, and got comfortable. Zuri came downstairs and got in bed with me to sleep, or she just likes being near me.

1017 words

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