-The McDonald's Drive-Throu Incident of 2016-

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Sam's POV
I had finally got a job! It was at a local McDonalds that I could walk to since it was close by. My first day I was gonna be working the drive throu. Sure, it was pretty boring since there was really nothing going on.

I handed the lady her drink and food then she asked, "Are you serious..?" I stared at her for a second then responded, "What? Is there something wrong with your drink?" I flinched as I saw her hand come towards me fast. Cold Mountain Dew was thrown onto me, getting my uniform wet. "YOU DAMN RABBIT, YOU SPIT INTO MY FUCKING DRINK!" I stared at her in disbelief. She had literally watched me make it infront of her very eyes and I had done nothing. "GET ME YOUR FUCKING MANAGER! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" I glared at her and said, "Of course." I walked off to get my manager.

My manager had started talking to the woman. "Charlie, is this true?" My manager asked. I responded with a quick, "No sir! I hadn't done anything to her drink. She even watched me make it!" The lady unbuckled herself then got out through her window, "YOUR FUCKING LYING," she grabbed the window sill and started climbing, "YOU ARE A LIAR." She got in through the window and started yelling at me, "I DID NOTHING WRONG! I AM AN INNOCENT WOMAN!" She  trudged her way to me as other employees approached her.

She started throwing punches as I walked backwards, trying to get away. I suddenly was backed into a corner and she started hitting me! She was pulled away by an employee who I didn't take notice before.. IT WAS ROWAN! Wait, why was he here working at a McDonald's?? He's a gym teach- oh yeah I burnt down the school.. such a shame I guess. A police came and took her into custody.

Later, they had found out she had kidnapped someone and was drunk. Why the fuck would she come to a McDonalds after kidnapping someone and start attack an employee? People in this world are sure crazy.. what if this wasn't an actual world and we were in some weird, block game with actual people playing us? That would be funny! "ARE YOU OKAY?" I turned around and stared at Rowan for a minute. "Yes, my shift was almost over anyways and today was boring anyways." He had a look on his face. As if he had just been slapped by some form of a brick wall. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME? YOU SEEM FAMILIAR." Rowan shouted. Why was he always so loud? But anyways, did he really recognize me that easy?

"Charlie Gladiator. I assume you knew my brother?" I stated. His look softened as we heard a door open. Grian, Taurtis, and Dom walked in and were now standing by the entrance, discussing their order I assume. I turn around and look at the clock. My shift was over! "I'M FREEEEEEEE" I shouted as I clocked out. Rowan went and approached the boys and was talking to them about their orders. I ran past them outside. I started walking home when I felt.. watched.

I was about home when I noticed Cupid's car was gone, she must've gone shopping for more stuff! I entered the home and was greeted by Zuri. I went and showered fast. I quickly walked into my bedroom and started changing. I caught a look at myself in the mirror. The scars were prominent and looked jagged. I wish they hadn't scarred cause with them I look.. ugly. I took my cold, wet shirt off and tried shaking off that watched feeling. Once I was done changing into some soft plaid pants and a grey shirt I picked the clothes off the floor and started walking downstairs. I threw them into the washer with some other dirty clothes of mine, put some detergent in, and started it. I walked back upstairs and Cupid was sitting on the couch while petting Zuri. Zuri has always been more attached to them despite both of us raising her.

"Hey Charlie, when did your shift end?" I was stunned when she called me that but I saw something in the window behind her. It was Taurtis! She must've took notice of him when I was downstairs. "It was fine, but some crazy drunk lady attacked me cause I apparently spit in her drink. WHICH I DIDN'T!" Cupid was stifling a laugh and looking away at me. "Anyways, why were you gone earlier? Your car wasn't here when I arrived." Cupid started stretching and it looked like she was reaching over.. A pillow was thrown into my face. It was a pride flag pillow. Cupid bellowed out between laughs, "IT'S FOR HOW GAY YOU ARE-"

I was stunned, betrayed, and close to crying. "I'M NOT GAY CUPID!" I shouted out loudly. She wiped a stray tear from her eye and sighed, "Even Sam wasn't that gay! Anyways, we should definitely try some makeup I brought home later!" I let out a long sigh, "We might aswell.." I started walking away as I heard a soft thud behind me. I turn around and see Zuri following me. Once I stopped she started walking around my legs and meowing. I picked her up and held her. I cried out, "CUPID, I'M GONNA CRY I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!" Cupid started laughing once again.

910 words
I loved writing this chapter! This one is crack treated seriously. I'm soon gonna make a map of the house so it'll make more sense later. Stay hydrated and well!

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