Chapter 1 (Start)

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"It's Only After We've Lost Everything That We Free To Do Anything"

"I Don't Wanna Die Without Any Scars"

"The Things You Own, End Up Owning You"

"The More Things You Own, The More They Own You"

"I Let Go, Lost In Oblivion, Dark And Silent And Complete, I Found Freedom, Losing All Hope Was Freedom"

"Maybe Self-Improvement Isn't The Answer, Maybe Self-Destruction Is The Answer"

"Self-Improvement Is Masturbation"

"You Have To Realize That Someday You Will Die, Until You Know That, you Are Useless!"

"Only After A Disaster We Can Be Resurrected"

"I Am Nothing, Not Even That"

"Ever Since College, I Make Friends, They Get Married, I Lose Friend"

"Disaster Is A Natural Part Of My Evolution Toward Tragedy And Dissolution"

"Everything Is Falling Apart"

"Nothing Is Static, Even The Mona Lisa Falling Apart"

"if You Don’t Claim Your Humanity You Will Become A Statistic"

"Everything Is A Copy Of A Copy Of A Copy"

"If This Might Be The Last Time They Saw You, They Really Saw You"

"A Minute Of Perfection Was Worth The Effort, A Moment Was The Most You Could Ever Expect Of Perfection"

"This Is Your Life And It's Ending One Minute At A Time"

"Without Pain, Without Sacrifice, We Would Have Nothing, Like The First Monkey Shot Into Space"

"What Would 'Tyler Durden" Do?"

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