Special Chapter 5 (End)

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"Today Is The Sort Of Day Where The Sun Only Comes Up To Humiliate You"

"Look, The People You Are after Are The People You Depend On, We Cook Your Meals, We Haul Your Trash, We Connect Your Calls, We Drive Your Ambulances, We Guard You While You Sleep Do Not f*ck With Us"

"Reject The Basic Assumptions Of Civilization, Especially The Importance Of Material Possessions"

"You Know How They Say You Only Hurt The Ones You Love? Well, It Works Both Ways"

"Oxygen Gets You High, In A Catastrophic Emergency, You're Taking Giant Panicked Breaths, Suddenly You Become Euphoric, Docile, You Accept Your Fate, It's All Right Here. Emergency Water Landing, 600 Miles An Hour, Blank Faces, Calm As Hindu Cows"

"It's a blanket, Just A Blanket, Now Why Do Guys Like You And Me Know What A Duvet Is? Is This Essential To Our Survival, In The Hunter-Gatherer Sense Of The Word? No, What Are We Then?"

"You Wanna Make An Omelet, You Gotta Break Some Eggs"

"People Do It Everyday, They Talk To Themselves, They See Themselves As They'd Like To Be, They Don't Have The Courage You Have, To Just Run With It"

"F*ck What You Know, You Need To Forget About What You Know, That's Your Problem, Forget About What You Think You Know About Life, About Friendship, And Especially About You And Me"

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