Chapter 3

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"What Do You Do?, Why? So You Can Pretend Like You're Interest?"

"You Have To Consider The Possibility That God Does Not Like You, He Never Wanted You, In All Possibility, He Hates You, This Is Not The Worst Thing That Can Happen"

"First You Have To Give Up, You Have To Know, Not Fear, Know That Someday You're Going To Die"

"You Decide Level Of Involvement"

"Tomorrow Will Be The Most Beautiful Day Of Raymond K. Hessel's Life, His Breakfast Will Taste Better Than Any Meal You And I Have Ever Tasted"

"You Buy Furniture, You Tell Yourself, This Is The Last Sofa I Will Ever Need In My Life, Buy the Sofa, Then For A Couple Years You're Satisfied That No Matter What Goes Wrong, At Least You've Got Your Sofa Issue Handled, Then The Right Set Of Dishes, Then The Perfect Bed, The Drapes, The Rug, Then You're Trapped In Your Lovely Nest, And The Things You Used To Own, Now They Own You"

"The Lower You Fall, The Higher You'll Fly"

"The Girl Is Infectious Human Waste, And She's Confused And Afraid To Commit To The Wrong Thing And So She Won't Commit To Anything"

"Everyone Smile With That Invisible Gun To Their Head"

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