Chapter 4

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"How Everything You Ever Love Will Reject You Or Die, Everything You Ever Create Will Be Thrown Away, Everything You're Proud Of Will End Up As Trash"

"Maybe We Should Always Aasume The Worst"

"Marla's Philosophy Of Life, She Told Me, Is That She Can Die At Any Moment, The Tragedy Of Her Life Is That She Doesn't"

"Skinny Guys Fight Till They're Burger"

"The First Step To External Life Is You Have To Die"

"Recycling And Speed Limits Are Bullshit, They're Like Someone Who Quits Smoking On His Deathbed"

"Look Up At The Stars And You're Gone"

"When The Two Of You Talked, You Were Building Something, And Afterward You Were Both Different Than Before"

"Sticking Feathers Up Your Butt Does Not Make You A Chicken"

"you're The All-Singing, All-Dancing Crap Of The World"

"Fuck damnation, Man! Fuck Redemption! We Are God's Unwanted Children? So Be It!"

"When Deep Space Exploration Ramps Up, It'll Be The Corporations That Name Everything, The IBM Stellar Sphere, The Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks"

"Murder, crime, poverty, These Things Son't Concern Me, What Concerns Me Are Celebrity Magazines, Television With 500 Channels, Some Guy's Name On My Underwear, Rogaine, Viagra, Olestra"

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