Chapter 2

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#wedding day :

You lifelessly sat in front of the mirror beautifully dressed in a white gown. "Miss, you are looking so pretty," the maids helping you to dress up complimented but no word escaped your lips at all.

Ella watched you, unspoken. She could see the pain in your eyes as a lone tear rolled down her cheek. Silently, she rubbed that tear off.

You Walked down the aisle with your hands interlinked with your father's. All the eyes turned to you but you didn't dare to glance up even once. "Don't make it look like you're forced," your dad muttered as his grip around your waist stiffened. You couldn't feel that pain anymore as the pain you were carrying in your heart was much more terrible than physical.

There was no change in your expressions. You were walking almost like a robot: no emotions, no feelings, no expressions. But internally you were bleeding.

Those memories haunt you more vividly, you keep seeing the whip marks on Ella's arms and back the moment you close your eyes. Standing in front of your groom you didn't even twitch a bit to take a look at his face. You just stood in front of him as the priest started reading the vows.

"I do," a deep husky voice mumbled, making you finally look up. This was the man you were marrying, the man you were supposed to spend your life with, the prince charming of the majority of girls in your country, the man who is one of the most successful businessmen in the world. He felt a stare on him as he looked back at you and his dark brown eyes finally met yours.

The coldness his eyes held towards you was just indescribable. His cold eyes glared into your face as you quietly gulped your saliva. He had that kind of unwelcoming look on his face that if he got a chance he would never wish to see your face ever again.

"Ms. Park, do you take Mr. Kim as your husband?" The priest called out to you, making you finally realize you were in between the vows. Your lips trembled to say those two simple words as flashes of memories with Jungkook started lighting up in your mind. Taehyung frowned as he was disturbed by your lack of attention in the ceremony.

"I...", you stuttered. "" You sink your nails into the flesh of your palms as those words escape your lips. The pain it caused didn't matter to you because it was not as cruel as your fate. "You may kiss the bride now." The priest said and Taehyung glanced at you. You clenched onto your white gown tightly and he noticed that.

He watched you silently for a while before grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer to him, making you dash against his strong chest. You flinched at the sudden action as you timidly glanced up at him.

Leaning in closer to you, he placed his warm and soft lips onto yours making your eyes go wide. You tried to push him away but---- "Don't move. I'm not enjoying it either," he murmured through the kiss, making you freeze down in the spot.

His lips detached as he looked into your eyes before maintaining a specific distance between you two.

That night: Kim mansion :

"Just because I agreed to your one condition doesn't mean I'm going to keep obeying you," Taehyung's grip around his cell phone tightened. He had an absolute murderous aura surrounding him. After getting the response from the other side of the call he threw the phone on the ground in rage.

15 minutes later :

You were sitting nervously on the bed until the door of the room creaked open making you glance up at the person standing at the door. It was Taehyung. Except for his name, you know nothing about this man.

Looking at his face it didn't seem like he was even considering your presence in the room. He walked in and headed straight toward the washroom. You let out a sigh of relief as you watch him leave.

15 minutes later, the door of the washroom opens revealing Taehyung walking out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Your eyes widened looking at his bare chest and naked body. You gulped as he raised an eyebrow at you.

You quickly looked away and he started taking steps in your direction making you turn stiff. "what is he trying to do..?" You mumbled under your breath as you closed your eyes shut. "Get out," he demanded sternly, making you open your eyes.


"The next room is yours," he cuts you off.


"Don't expect anything from this marriage. And make sure you maintain your distance from me. I don't care what you do just make sure you don't get in my way. Do as you please but in front of the world you are my wife," saying that he took a step back.

"What do you take me as?," You asked as your eyes started tearing up. "I've never expected anything from this marriage nor you. You decided to marry me," you continued as he let out a sarcastic laugh. "My decision? What do you know about me? What makes you think I'll choose you to marry me?"

"This marriage is nothing but just a piece of contract for me. And you, heh, I never chose you, it was a deal between our families. If I was given a choice I wouldn't have married you in the first place," he gave you a cold glare.

So..he was forced into this marriage as wonder he was looking so disturbed during the ceremony. And now..this marriage is nothing but just a couldn't even laugh at your fate.

You were busy in your thoughts until Taehyung grabbed you by your wrist and started walking towards the door. Opening the door and slightly pushing you outside the room, he closed the door with a slam.

Unknowingly, tears start forming in your eyes not because he was giving you a cold treatment but because this was your life now. The last thing you wanted was a marriage like this...a marriage without love and affection.

For him, this marriage is nothing but a compromise but for you marriage was never a joke. No matter if it was forced or out of willingness, this marriage is still bonding both of your fates together.

You walked towards the other room. Closing the door behind you, you sat down on the ground leaning your back against it. Tears were continuously flowing down your cheeks. What have I done to deserve all this...? You question yourself but there's no answer.

Next morning :

You walked downstairs and spotted Taehyung sitting down at the dining table waiting for someone. You make your way toward the dining table and sit down at the chair a few inches away from him.

He doesn't seem to be affected by your presence. For him, you were not even in the room. Letting out a deep sigh you start eating from your plate until, "sir."

A familiar voice made your eyes widen. The spoon you were holding in your hand fell to the ground, finally grabbing Taehyung's attention. can't can't be

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