Chapter 24

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- #skiptime: a month later : [y/n's pov]

"What's my schedule today?"Taehyung asked while I was trying my best to keep up with his pace. "Sir, you have an appointment with Ms. Lee, the chairwoman of lee enterprises this afternoon and after that in the evening meeting with-", I was about to say further, and suddenly, he stopped in his tracks.

I noticed that and stopped as well. "Mr.Kim?"I called him out as I stared at his broad back from behind, not understanding what was wrong. Why did he stop midway? Hearing my voice he finally turned around to face me. His hands were still stuck in his trousers pockets and with his usual straight face he replied, "Cancel that evening appointment", and with that, he walked away.

I blankly stared at his back as he left from there in haste towards his cabin. Is something wrong? The thought of him leaving in a rush never left my head. He didn't react much but I can tell just from his eyes that something was unquestionably not right.

Now story time....about how I ended up being taehyung's Secretary.

After talking with Yuna that day I realized one thing...until I give it my all I won't be able to get what's mine. I decided to take up this job. I already had experience before due to which it turned out to be easy for me to get hired. One more thing I noticed here is...many employees except for some trusted ones were changed.

So without getting recognized, it was easy for me to apply. Without giving it any second I took up this opportunity. I can't trust anyone anymore...if I need to make a move it must be in silence. This way I will be able to see him every day and maybe...someday, he will remember something...about me? After all, it's my turn to chase him.

I had no plans of giving up on him this easily, not at least this time. I have already lost him once but if I lose him again then I won't be able to...survive.

"Ms. Park?", a feminine voice from beside me startled me, making me snap out of my thoughts. "h-huh..? Yeah?"I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I couldn't even find the right words to respond.

"Are you alright?", the female employee asked while I vigorously nodded my head in a yes. "Yeah, I was lost in my thoughts. I am fine", I replied to her with a soft smile. "I see. Mr. Kim asked you in his cabin", saying that she left from there.

I got up from my seat and headed in the cabin's direction. Reaching the cabin door, I took a deep breath before knocking. "Mr. Kim, may I come in?"I asked and got a reply from inside within a beat. "yes, come in".

I opened the door and headed inside just to find Taehyung not sitting at his desk but standing next to the transparent clear office glass staring outside. He felt my presence inside the room and slowly turned around to face me.

"You're 2 minutes late", he said while crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at me. "Sorry, sir", I lowered my head. How was I supposed to tell him that I need some time to calm myself down before seeing him? "Ms. Park, be my date tonight", he said, taking his seat at his desk and making me quickly look up at him in shock.

"W-What?", I asked just in case I misheard. "Attend a party with me tonight as my partner", he looked up and cleared.

"I see", I don't understand but that did dishearten me slightly. Suddenly, a devilish smirk played on his lips as he looked back at me, "Are you disappointed?", my eyes widened a bit as I gulped, jerking my head in a no.

"no", I replied, shortly. Can he read minds? I gulped again and looked the other way. "Then let's go", he said, making me look back at him again with a puzzled expression. What does he mean by let's go- and before I could react any further he was already walking in my direction.

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