Chapter 27

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- [Author's pov] :

"N-No...", a stuttering familiar voice from behind grabbed Jungkook's attention. The cell phone from his hand slipped and dropped to the ground seeing the person standing in front of him.

"Y/n...", he mumbled in a low tone as soon as his eyes spotted her standing next to the door with her eyes wide open. He quickly took steps towards her, "Y/n..what are you doing here? You should go and get some rest. You-"

Why?", she interrupted while a lone drop of warm tear rolled down her cheek.

He slightly shook his head pretending not to understand what she meant by her question "why".

"W-What do you mean?"Jungkook fidgeted. "What do I mean? How could you stoop so low? I...trusted you...I fvcking trusted you, JEON JUNGKOOK!!", y/n yelled, tears burned into her sinuses, then filled her eyes and spilled to race to her hairline.

These weren't sad tears. They were angry tears. Tears filled with the fight.

Jungkook shuts his mouth as he stares blankly at her. His jaws and fists clenched while his eyes radiated mixed-up emotions.

"H-How could you..? How could you do something as horrible as this..? How could you think how?!!", she choked on her words as she looked at him with teary eyes.

"Because I want you. I want you back, y/n", he stated, calmly. No regret, no fear in his voice nor on his face, making her eyes go wide.

"What?", she narrowed her eyes at him.

"I want you", he repeated.

"You're've gone crazy...", she balled up her fists and looked at him, eyes filled with rage.

"I am leaving", and with that, she turned around to take her to leave and took a few steps forward but got stopped by a firm grip around her arm. She looked back to check.

"I said I want you, y/n", his grip around her arm stiffened which made her hiss in pain.

''Stop", she yelled, breathing heavily as she yanked his hand away from her. "Stay away from me", her eyes darkened. Before she could react further, his strong hands reached out and grasped both of her arms, "Everything that belongs to me will always be mine, y/n. The same goes for you", he wrapped his arms around her.

And before she realized his intent, Jungkook leaned forward and grabbed her face. His head bent, and his mouth found hers, his hand groped around her neck.

The kiss was sudden and fierce, full and erotic, searingly hot. She tried her best to push him away but failed miserably. He consumed her slowly, searching with his tongue, licking deep into kisses.

The sensation went down to her knees and weakened them. She felt herself list like a ship unable to right itself, but he gathered her firmly against him, his supportive arms closing around her.

He feasted on her with the carving of years. "You belong to me, y/n. You always did", he murmured against her lips and pressed himself more firmly against her. He wanted to take her every way he could imagine.

She somehow managed to travel, her hands up to his chest, and placing her palms over his muscular chest, she used all the power that was left inside her body and pushed him away from herself and slapped him hard across his face, breathing heavily.

Her lips trembled as she cried, and her face turned red. She was silent. She didn't utter a single word because her eyes were enough to speak out loud.

He started chewing on his lower lip as his eyes welled up with tears. He took a step closer to her while she quickly backed off.

He held her forcefully by her arms, "Why are you being like this?", he asked. She pulled her brows together. "I've tried so hard to get you back, and yet you...", he paused as he looked away.

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