Chapter 7

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[Y/n's pov] :

The person who was sitting right before my eyes was none other than taehyung. What is he doing here..? I couldn't help but stare at him. "Ms. Park", the voice said, making me finally get out of my thoughts and look at Mr Lee.

"Please, come inside", he smiled, making me nod my head and take small steps towards them. I stood in front of Mr. Lee's desk until he gestured to me to take the seat down on the chair which was placed right beside Taehyung's.

I looked at Taehyung just to find him staring up at me continuously, he didn't even blink once. His gaze caught mine. His stare holds mine. I tried to look away but I couldn't. His stare still unwavering, he speaks up in his usual deep voice,"Take.Your.Seat.Ms. Park". My mouth started feeling dry as I swallowed hard.

I could feel guilt rushing inside he mad at me..? Because I didn't tell him about this job..?

I couldn't get this thought out of my head until Mr. Lee spoke up again,"Ms. Park?"I broke eye contact with Taehyung and again looked back at Mr Lee. "Yes' ', I managed a weak yes in response before taking my seat beside taehyung.

[End of pov]

"Mr. Kim, this is our employee who submitted that proposal", Mr. Lee focused on Taehyung who was busy looking at you. Hearing him out, a smirk formed on Taehyung's face,"oh!", he exclaimed.

Your eyes went wide..proposal..? "Y/n, the business proposal you made a few days ago was sent to Kim corporation. When Mr. Kim returned from his business trip he was so impressed by your work that he couldn't wait to meet the person who worked on it", Mr. Lee explained, making you look at him in shock.

"That proposal was sent to Kim..c-corporation..?", You thought to yourself as you looked at Mr Lee.

"Mr. Lee, I would like to take my leave for now", Taehyung got up from the chair fixing his black coat. Mr. Lee stood up as well,"As you say Mr Kim. We really look forward to our upcoming business deals", Mr. Lee bowed and continued as he looked up at you,"Ms. Park, escort Mr. Kim to his car". You were completely taken aback by his request.

You were about to make an excuse until Taehyung interrupts,"That would be great. I would like to have a small conversation with Ms. Park as well", Taehyung glanced at you with a playful smirk playing on his lips. Now you were trapped. You couldn't say a no or that might make you look disrespectful.

Walking through the hallway, you could feel all the eyes on you. "isn't that y/n from xxx department?" "Yeah, but why is she with Mr. Kim??!" "Wow, what luck.." you could hear many ladies gossiping around you.

You nervously glanced up at Taehyung from behind who was walking ahead of you with his back straight and both his hands in his trousers pocket. Looking at him it didn't seem like he was even paying attention to any of them. Not like he couldn't hear them but he just chose to ignore he had a pocket look all along.

Clicking a button, the elevator door rapidly swung open, welcoming you and Taehyung inside. Taehyung stepped inside and you followed him behind. Getting in, you quickly turned your back on him while finding the button for the ground floor. You laid your finger on it and were stunned as taehyung's hand landed on yours. He was about to press the same button as well.

You quickly pulled your hand back as he sternly stared at you from him. It was just you and him in the elevator which was making it hard for you to stay calm. After a long minute of complete silence he finally spoke up, deciding to break the silence, "Why are you here?"His deep husky voice sent shivers down your spine.

Not like you did anything wrong but you were feeling guilt rushing inside you. You had a heated argument with him at the party and on top You didn't inform him about this job and did it behind his back. "I-well..", you were lost for words until he grabbed your arm from behind and made you turn around to face him.

"say something", He raised an eyebrow at you. You looked away,"I am working as an employee over here", you didn't hesitate this time. Taehyung was a bit annoyed by your response,"why? am I not making enough money?", he asks through a straight face. His words were straight and stern.

"Enough money?"you scoffed, making him give you a puzzled look. "I am more surprised to see why the fvck you even care? Didn't you say this yourself that you won't get involved in my business?"you asked and Taehyung's eyes glowed with anger.

You didn't mean to be so blunt but you just wanted to avoid his questions as you couldn't tell him the real reason why you joined the company in the first place.

Taehyung took a step closer, slipping his other hand around your waist, and pulled you gently against him. You were stunned by his action as you looked up at him with your eyes widened a bit.

"What are you-", your sentence gets cut off when taehyung leans in closer and whispers,"Are you ashamed of being my wife?"His question left you speechless. You gulped. Don't tell me..he knows...

"Why did you write unmarried on your resume?"He questioned again. He was looking directly into your eyes making it hard for you to even look away from him. Your eyes got locked on where your bodies touched. "You can't read? Or simply you just don't like to get addressed as my wife, Ms Park?"He asked again, his husky voice making your heart skip with every beat.

"I..I..I don't..I..j-just.." you stammered.

You had no idea what to say anymore. Never in your dreams you thought he would find out or even bother to know about any of these but here you go again..he knows.

Taehyung examined your movement for a while before he tucked the strand of hair behind your ear. The movement was gentle, almost tender as his hand skimmed down the side of your neck and curled around the back.

"You're my wife", he pressed his fingers around your nape, forcing you to look up at him. "I don't fvcking care why you did that but never forget you are my wife. Right now I have an urge to take you out there and let the whole world know your identity but..", he paused as he dipped his head.

His lips brushing yours with each word,"You're mine". Your breathing is swallowed by his every word. You could feel your body heating up. This was the first time you and Taehyung were this close. You couldn't escape him.

You were trapped by his gaze and his dominant voice which was letting you know with each and every word that you belong to him and no one had never seen this side of taehyung before.

But you were not less, you backfired as you spoke up again,"I am not yours. This what we have between us is just a business marriage and you are the one who cleared this up on our wedding day. So why do you even care? Or are you the one who's forgotten?"

"I haven't", he murmured his gaze still down at you, not ready to let go. You froze at the spot as he gave you a light kiss, unable to resist.

The ding of the elevator drew his attention, and he realized he had pressed you against the it's stainless steel wall. He cleared his throat as he moved away from you and the door of the elevator opened just to reveal Jungkook standing there waiting for taehyung.

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